File #: 23-0465    Version: 1
Type: Consent Staff Report Status: Passed
File created: 5/23/2023 In control: Board of County Commissioners
On agenda: 6/6/2023 Final action: 6/6/2023
Title: Work Order Number 1, Amendment No. 3 - Continuing Engineering Services RFQ 2018008 - 58th Ave Ballfield Expansion and Renovation
Indexes: Ballfields
Attachments: 1. Staff Report, 2. IRC-1759 WO1 Amend No. 3 23-0502, 3. WO1 Amend No. 3 Manhours Exhibit
Related files: 21-0264, 20-1558, 19-0581, 19-1038, 23-0348, 23-0390, 17-1315, 18-1475, 18-1698, 23-0317


Work Order Number 1, Amendment No. 3 - Continuing Engineering Services RFQ 2018008 - 58th Ave Ballfield Expansion and Renovation

Recommended Action

Staff respectfully recommends approval of Work Order Number 1, Amendment No. 3 for revisions to the 58th Ave Ballfield Expansion and Renovation Plans, Continuing Consulting Engineering Services Agreements for RFQ 2018008, Amendment and Renewal No. 1 with Masteller & Moler, Inc., authorizing the professional services as outlined in Exhibit A, and request the Board authorize the Chairman to execute Amendment No. 3, Work Order Number 1.