File #: 18-1801    Version: 1
Type: Consent Staff Report Status: Agenda Ready
File created: 5/1/2018 In control: Board of County Commissioners
On agenda: 5/8/2018 Final action:
Title: Approval of Work Order No. 1 - Carter Associates, Inc. - Jones' Pier Conservation Area Final Wetland Restoration Design & Permitting
Indexes: Carter and Associates, Conservation Lands, Jones Property and Pier, Wetlands, Work Order
Attachments: 1. Staff Report, 2. 2018 WORK ORDER - CarterAssociates1, 3. Jones Pier Proposal 5-1-2018_CarterAssociates_ExhibitA, 4. Jones Pier Proposal 5-1-2018_CarterAssociates_coverltr, 5. RFP2018-01 Notice_AttachmentA
Related files: 16-1064, 17-0426, 17-0447, 17-0636, 17-1006, 18-1400, 18-1565, 18-1616, 20-1376, 18-2061, 18-2276, 19-0234, 19-1184, 21-0655, 19-0155, 19-0314, 19-0496, 19-0870, 19-0698, 20-1314, 20-1673, 20-2183, 20-1557, 20-1838, 20-1922, 20-2062, 21-0831, 23-0109, 23-0687, 23-0709


Approval of Work Order No. 1 - Carter Associates, Inc. - Jones' Pier Conservation Area Final Wetland Restoration Design & Permitting

Recommended Action

Staff recommends approval of Work Order No. 1 to Carter Associates, Inc. for final design, permitting and construction management services and requests the Board to authorize the Chairman to execute Work Order No. 1 in the amount of $36,800.