File #: 18-1565    Version: 2
Type: Department Staff Report Status: Agenda Ready
File created: 2/26/2018 In control: General Services
On agenda: 3/6/2018 Final action: 3/6/2018
Title: Jones’ Pier Conservation Area Public Use Improvements - Project Update and Status of FEMA Project Worksheet #796
Indexes: Docks, FEMA, Hurricane Irma, Hurricane Matthew, Jones Property and Pier, Parks, Parks - Conservation
Attachments: 1. Staff Report, 2. Attach A_Jones Pier FCT Special Conditions_BCC03-06-18, 3. Attach B_Fema Form 90-91 IRCAG03_BCC03-16-18, 4. Attach C_JonesPierConceptPlan_BCC03-06-18, 5. Attach D_Jones Timeline 2-27-18_BCC03-06-18, 6. Attach E_BCC_Dec13,2016_BCC03-06-18, 7. 2018_0226_IRLNEP_RestorationApp_IRC_JPCA
Related files: 16-1064, 17-0447, 17-0636, 17-1006, 18-1400, 22-0944, 18-2061, 18-1616, 18-2276, 19-0870, 20-1673, 18-1801, 19-0234, 19-0314, 19-0496, 19-0698, 19-1184, 21-0141, 21-0655, 19-0569, 19-1029, 20-1314, 20-1557, 20-1838, 20-2062, 20-2183, 21-0831, 23-0109, 23-0687


Jones’ Pier Conservation Area Public Use Improvements - Project Update and Status of FEMA Project Worksheet #796

Recommended Action

1.  For FEMA Project Worksheet #796, staff recommends the Board authorize staff to immediately proceed with repairs to the Observation Pier and Guest Cottage to pre-storm conditions and pursue FEMA reimbursement funding; and to return to the Board with a plan for an improved project to the Main House in accordance with the 2008 Approved Management Plan which may or may not be eligible for FEMA reimbursement funding.  2.  Authorize staff to pursue funding the public use improvements eligible under the 2018/19 Florida Inland Navigation District’s Cooperative Assistance Program due March 30, 2018, including, but not limited to parking, restrooms, boardwalks and other support facilities that relate to Lagoon access.  3.  Direct staff to return to the Board with a conceptual plan for refurbishing and repurposing the main house and other buildings to serve as public facilities.