File #: 19-0099    Version: 1
Type: Consent Staff Report Status: Passed
File created: 1/28/2019 In control: Board of County Commissioners
On agenda: 2/5/2019 Final action:
Title: Notice of Grant Award from FDEP Land and Water Conservation Fund Grant for Public Access Improvements to the Hallstrom Farmstead Conservation Area - Agreement Number LW695
Indexes: Agreement, Conservation Areas, Conservation Lands, Contracts / Agreements, FDEP, Grant, Grant Application, Grant for Conservation Area, Hallstrom Farmstead Conservation Area, Parks, Parks - Conservation
Attachments: 1. Staff Report, 2. LWCF Award Agreement Implementation LTR 01.22.19-TB, 3. 2017-2018 LWCF Signed Priority List 7.11.18, 4. LW695 Hallstrom Farmstead Grant Agreement scanned pdf, 5. Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act Form_DEP_55-230 scanned pdf, 6. IRC Grant Form
Related files: 18-1574, 17-0506, 24-0424, 21-1173, 20-1851, 22-0384, 21-0503, 23-0399, 22-0213


Notice of Grant Award from FDEP Land and Water Conservation Fund Grant for Public Access Improvements to the Hallstrom Farmstead Conservation Area - Agreement Number LW695

Recommended Action

Staff respectfully recommends that the Board accept the State of Florida, Department of Environmental Protection Standard Grant Agreement No. LW695 for the Hallstrom Farmstead Conservation Area and authorize the Chairman to execute the Grant Agreement between Florida Department of Environmental Protection Agency and Indian River County.  Staff further requests authorization to execute any and all additional grant related documents pertinent to this award.