File #: 18-2599    Version: 1
Type: Consent Staff Report Status: Passed
File created: 12/6/2018 In control: Board of County Commissioners
On agenda: 12/18/2018 Final action:
Title: Approval of Four-Month Extension to SJRWMD Cost-Share Grant for Osprey Acres Floway and Nature Preserve
Indexes: Osprey Acres, Public Works, St. John's River Water Management District, Stormwater
Attachments: 1. Staff Report, 2. SFRWMD Cost-Share Agreement Amendment #2
Related files: 17-0592, 17-1004, 17-0591, 17-0820, 18-1861, 18-2415, 18-1873, 17-0747, 20-1374, 19-0421, 20-2127, 19-0474, 20-1323, 22-0611


Approval of Four-Month Extension to SJRWMD Cost-Share Grant for Osprey Acres Floway and Nature Preserve

Recommended Action

Staff recommends that the County Commission approve Amendment #2 to the SJRWMD Cost-Share Agreement and authorize the Chairman to execute it on behalf of the County.