Shoreline Performance Modeling, APTIM Work Order No. 2018008-04.
Recommended Action:
Staff recommends the Board of County Commissioners approve APTIM Work
Order No. 2018008-4 in the amount of $41,940.00 for shoreline performance
modeling efforts associated with the support of the County’s participation in the
Sebastian Inlet District Technical Advisory Committee. In addition, staff recommends
that the BCC authorize the Chairman to execute Work Order No. 2018008-4.
Commissioner Adams raised concerns regarding the work order from County
Consultant Aptim, noting the County had already compiled shoreline modeling
information; she also expressed the cost was too high. The Commissioner further
explained her objection with their involvement with the Sebastian Inlet Technical
Advisory Committee (TAC), which she felt could expose the County to litigation.
She suggested presenting the item to the Beach and Shore Preservation Advisory
Committee to get their input on the work order and involvement with the TAC.
Public Works Director Richard Szpyrka defended the Aptim work order, stating the
shoreline modeling information was important to better understand the County's need
for supplemental sand to maintain its beaches, some of which would be provided by
the TAC.
Chairman O'Bryan entered into discussion with Director Szpyrka regarding the
amount of sand the County had received, and any deficit.
County Administrator Jason Brown stressed the County sought to remain neutral
regarding the TAC, and only wanted to gather facts regarding coastline erosion. He
also agreed to have staff negotiate a better price from the County's consultant.
A motion was made by Commissioner Adams, seconded by Commissioner Moss,
to postpone/continue the Agenda item so that it may go before the Beach and
Shore Preservation Advisory Committee for review and then return to the Board
for consideration at the September 20, 2022 BCC meeting. The motion carried by
the following vote:
5 -
Chairman O'Bryan, Vice Chairman Earman, Commissioner Adams, Commissioner
Flescher, and Commissioner Moss