Public Hearing Regarding Bhakta Farms, LLC’s Request for Major Site Plan and
Special Exception Use Approval for a Farm Based Rum Distillery (Agricultural
Industry) with Associated Accessory Residential Units [SP-SE-20-07-26 /
2004020221-86955] (Quasi-Judicial)
Recommended Action:
Staff recommends that the BCC grant major site plan and special exception use
approval for a farm based rum distillery (agricultural industry) with associated
accessory residential units to be known as Bhakta Farms Distillery with the
following conditions: 1. Prior to site plan release, the applicant shall obtain all
required jurisdiction permits as listed on the site plan and verification of
approval/concurrence of environmental impact to protected species from the
USACOE, USFWS and FWC. 2. Prior to issuance of a project certificate of
occupancy (C.O.) for each Phase, the applicant shall install all required landscape
improvements as shown on the approved project landscape plan. The State Road
60 landscape buffer will be required to be installed with the C.O. for Phase 1.
Chairman O'Bryan introduced the parties for the proceeding as being Bhakta
Farms, LLC (Applicant) and Indian River County. Each Commissioner, as
requested by the Chairman, disclosed ex parte communications, site visits, or
independent investigations. The Commissioners also affirmed that they have an
open mind and can base their decisions on the evidence presented and the
applicable law. The Deputy Clerk administered the Oath to all persons who
wished to speak at the hearing. The Applicant's representative confirmed they
would move forward with Commissioner Moss voting via video conference.
The Chairman opened the public hearing.
Ryan Sweeney, Chief of Current Development, utilized PowerPoint slides to
review the Special Exception Use process and the Applicant's location, site plan,
traffic and landscape plans. He noted that the Planning and Zoning Commission,
at their April 28, 2022 meeting, recommended the Board grant major site plan
and special use approval with conditions recommended by staff.
Chief Counsel for the Applicant, Leo Gibson, appeared before the Board and
shared Bhakta Farm's history, vision, and plans for their land. He discussed the
craft spirits which were planned to be produced on-site, and explained that the
guest cottages were for marketing purposes only.