A motion was made by Commissioner Flescher, seconded by Vice Chairman
Earman, to withdraw the request to place a Children's Trust referendum on the
November 2022 ballot. The motion carried by the following vote:
5 -
Chairman O'Bryan, Vice Chairman Earman, Commissioner Adams, Commissioner
Flescher, and Commissioner Moss
Chairman O'Bryan opened discussion with Commissioner Flescher's earlier request
for additional information on the CSAC ordinance changes.
County Attorney Reingold advised there were changes to the CSAC membership,
use of funds, functions of the Executive Director, and staffing needs to provide more
thorough oversight and results tracking. County Administrator Brown added that,
regardless of the referendum, code changes were planned to improve oversight and
accountability of expenditures. Commissioner Flescher expressed the need for
additional in-person vetting of the agencies' programs. Administrator Brown
reviewed the financial safeguards, and Clerk and Comptroller Smith expounded on
the site evaluations done by the County's auditor; both stressed the importance of
measuring outcomes of the funded programs.
Commissioner Moss suggested having the top six (6) agencies present their programs
before the Board in the name of transparency. Disagreement was expressed by other
Board members, with Chairman O'Bryan advising that the Needs Assessment and
Grant Review Subcommittees already received and analyzed that information;
additionally, he noted the CSAC annual report provided detailed information on all
the agencies which received funding.
Commissioner Adams added to the discussion with a plea for empathy and greater
community involvement, as well as the need for additional staff. Vice Chairman
Earman requested greater flexibility in the millage rate to allow more responsiveness to
CSAC's needs.
Chairman O'Bryan turned to the draft Ordinance and proposed the following two (2)
changes: the first was to include among the CSAC Advisory Board an appointee who
had business experience; and the second was to raise the funding ceiling up to 1/4 mill
to address the program's needs. The Chairman thanked everyone for their comments,
and encouraged greater awareness of the state of children in the community.
Administrator Brown closed by defending the oversight of CSAC's spending.
A motion was made by Commissioner Adams, seconded by Chairman O'Bryan, to
direct staff to amend the existing Children's Services Advisory Committee's
(CSAC) ordinance to include the appropriate items from the draft Children's Trust
Ordinance, as well as expanding the make-up of the Advisory Board to include a
person with business experience; and raising the millage rate ceiling to 0.250 of
a mill. The County Attorney was instructed to set a public hearing for the
adoption of the revised ordinance, as well as providing a plan to add more staff.
The motion carried by the following vote:
5 -
Chairman O'Bryan, Vice Chairman Earman, Commissioner Adams, Commissioner
Flescher, and Commissioner Moss