D. Human Resources
Results of Consultant Findings - Phase 1 Employer Health Clinic/Wellness Center
Recommended Action:
Staff is seeking for direction from the Board of County Commissioners on
whether to proceed with the marketing and RFP process for an employer health
clinic/wellness center. If authorized, Lockton Companies will proceed with the
process and will review all responses and present findings and analysis to the
BOCC at a future date
Human Resources Director Suzanne Boyll referred to staff's memo, dated January
11, 2022, to present the Lockton Companies' report on the Phase 1 findings of
an Employer Health Clinic/Wellness Center analysis. Ms. Boyll reviewed
information on health claims, demographics, risks and conditions, and a feasibility
assessment. She relayed the report's finding that there were potentially enough
divertible health claims to support a wellness center, and discussed the benefits to
employees and projected costs.
Board discussion followed the presentation with Commissioners posing questions
and hypotheticals to Director Boyll regarding reduction of costs, types of services,
user profiles, wellness benefits, and the need to consider new approaches to
managing the cost of health care.
Commissioner Adams received confirmation from staff that issuing a request for
proposal (RFP) did not obligate the County to proceed with the proposal. Vice
Chairman Earman expressed interest in exploring which existing services a clinic
could assume. Commissioner Flescher requested additional information from
other clinics' users, and Chairman O'Bryan questioned preferences between
telemedicine and in-person clinic visits. The Board supported proceeding with the
RFP process, with the exception of Commissioner Moss who stated the project
was too high risk.
A motion was made by Commissioner Adams, seconded by Commissioner
Flescher, to approve authorizing Lockton Companies to proceed with the
marketing and RFP process for an employer health clinic/wellness center.
The motion carried by the following vote:
4 -
Chairman O'Bryan, Vice Chairman Earman, Commissioner Adams, and
Commissioner Flescher
1 - Commissioner Moss
E. Information Technology