Commissioner Adams opened her comments by advocating for additional mental
health and substance abuse funding to help manage the aftereffects of the pandemic.
Regarding nonprofits, she favored focusing on those who had not yet received
assistance, and listed additional documentation, such as financial statements and future
plans, that should be required.
Commissioner Moss agreed on the need for more defined criteria, noted that religious
organizations would be ineligible, suggested awarding grants in the amount of $5,000,
and also mentioned incorporating criteria parameters from Mr. Kindred of the
FSBDC. The Commissioners and staff were not in favor of having an outside entity
like the FSBDC decide County policy, and were wary of the offer for free application
Administrator Brown requested direction from the Board on the total funding amount,
and advised that staff would return to a future meeting with criteria for the Board's
Discussion returned to funding only those entities headquartered in the unincorporated
areas of the County, and directing other nonprofits to approach their respective
municipalities first for relief. Commissioner Moss suggested disallowing organizations
to receive ARP funds from both their city and the County. Chairman Flescher
requested staff return with a list of all nonprofits which met the criteria for ARP grants
to better evaluate the financial scope.
Commissioner Adams was in favor of providing $500,000 of ARP funds for grants to
nonprofit organizations, an additional $500,000 for mental health assistance, and to
have staff return with criteria culled from the discussion for Board approval.
Administrator Brown relayed staff's suggestion to fund the motion by reallocating
$500,000 from housing initiatives and $500,000 from broadband improvement.
Heather Stapleton, Executive Director, Vero Heritage, thanked the Board and noted
that nonprofits required multiple avenues of assistance to survive.
Janie Hoover, President, Main Street Vero Beach, acknowledged that the need was
always greater than the resources available to help. She thanked the Board for the
inspiration to approach the City of Vero Beach for funding.
A motion was made by Commissioner Adams, seconded by Commissioner
Earman, to approve staff's recommendation with the modification to reallocate
$500,000 from housing initiatives and $500,000 from the broadband improvements
to be used for additional mental health assistance and grants for small, nonprofit
organizations. Additionally, staff was directed to work on criteria for nonprofit
grant disbursement based on the Commissioner's comments and return to the
Board with their recommendation. The motion carried by the following vote:
5 -
Chairman Flescher, Vice Chairman O'Bryan, Commissioner Adams, Commissioner
Earman, and Commissioner Moss