Commissioner Earman pulled this item to publicize that the first stage of the General
Obligation Bonds for the Conservation Bond approved in 2022 had been
accomplished. The Environmental Lands Acquisition Panel (ELAP) had reviewed
seven (7) properties and would move on to the second stage. He stated there were
17 more properties in the queue for review, making a total of 24 conservation
properties submitted. He noted that being nominated does not guarantee purchase, as
owners may not want to sell or may have been nominated without their knowledge.
Chairman Adams, in a bid to encourage public participation, highlighted the ease of
the nomination process. She stated that if the public would like to nominate
properties, they could do so conveniently through the County website.
There was no further discussion on this Item.
A motion was made by Commissioner Earman, seconded by Vice Chairman
Flescher, to approve staff's recommendation and Resolution No. 2024-023,
supplementing Resolution No. 2023-004 of the County; authorizing the issuance of
not exceeding $25,000,000 in aggregate principal amount of Indian River County,
Florida General Obligation Bonds, Series 2024, in order to finance the cost of
acquiring and preserving environmentally sensitive lands and constructing public
access improvements related thereto within the County; making certain other
covenants and agreements in connection with the issuance of such bonds;
providing certain terms and details of such bonds; authorizing the County
Administrator or the Chief Deputy Comptroller of the County to publish a
summary notice of sale and to receive bids pursuant to a competitive sale of said
bonds and award the sale of said bonds to the responsive bidder or bidders
offering the lowest true interest cost to the County, which shall not exceed five
percent (5.00%); authorizing the execution and delivery of said bonds; appointing
the paying agent and registrar with respect to said bonds; approving the
preparation and use of a summary notice of sale, an official notice of sale, a
preliminary official statement and final official statement; authorizing the
electronic dissemination of the preliminary official statement and official
statement; authorizing the execution and delivery of a continuing disclosure
certificate; and providing an effective date. The motion carried by the following
5 -
Chairman Adams, Vice Chairman Flescher, Commissioner Earman, Commissioner
Moss, and Commissioner Loar
Partial Release of Regulatory Conservation Easement in Exchange for Substitute
Mitigation for Lost Tree Village
Recommended Action:
Staff recommends the Board of County Commissioners approve the Partial Release
of Regulatory Conservation Easement in Exchange for Substitute Mitigation, and
authorize the chairman to sign the document on behalf of the Board.