2024029, and authorize staff to commence discussions to redesign the project.
Approved staff's recommendation
Amendment No. 2 to Work Order No. 14 to Bowman Consulting Group, LTD.,
North County WWTF 24” Force Main Replacement, IRCDUS Project ID
Recommended Action:
Staff recommends the Board of County Commissioners approve Amendment No. 2
to Work Order 14 to Bowman Consulting Group, LTD., in the amount of $
1,320.00, for additional tortoise survey and authorize the Chair to execute the same.
So long as there are no changes in the dollar amount under the amount approved,
upon adequate completion of the work set forth in the work order, staff is directed to
make final payments to Bowman Consulting Group, LTD., after review and approval
by the Purchasing Manager and the County Attorney’s Office.
Approved staff's recommendation
Amendment No. 1 to Work Order No. 5 to Masteller & Moler, Inc. for Spoonbill
Marsh River Intake Station Access Road & Electric Power, IRCDUS Project ID
Recommended Action:
Staff recommends that the Board of County Commissioners approve Amendment
No. 1 to Work Order No. 5 to Masteller & Moler to provide Engineering, Design,
Environmental, and Construction Phase services for the Spoonbill Marsh River Intake
Station Access Road & Electric Power Project in the amount of $ 85,710.00, and
authorize the Chair to execute the same. So long as there are no changes in the dollar
amount under the amount approved, upon adequate completion of the work set forth
in the work order, staff is directed to make final payments to Masteller & Moler, Inc.,
after review and approval by the Purchasing Manager and the County Attorney’s
Approved staff's recommendation
Award of Bid 2024017 - Station 11 Roof Replacement
Recommended Action:
Staff recommends the Board award Bid 2024017 to CMM Roofing, Inc. in the
amount of $181,868.01. Staff further recommends the Board approve the sample
agreement and authorize the Chairman to execute said agreement after review and
approval of both the agreement and required Public Construction Bond by the County
Attorney as to form and legal sufficiency, and the receipt and approval of required