County Administrator John Titkanich suggested delaying the hours of use until 6:00
p.m., after the Tax Collector's office closed, and approving the agreement with that
change. Commissioner Flescher was not in favor of approving the agreement before
the change had been accepted by Five Guys. County Attorney Bill DeBraal
recommended pulling the item, negotiating the revision, and then bringing the item
back before the Board. Chairman Earman recommended deferring the item until the
next meeting on October 17, 2023. County Attorney DeBraal also suggested staff
include an exhibit that showed the parking situation when the item was brought back.
A motion was made by Commissioner Flescher, seconded by Chairman Earman,
to Table the Item. Staff was directed to readdress parking concerns and return to
the Board with a modified agreement and visual aid at the October 17, 2023
meeting. The motion carried by the following vote:
5 -
Chairman Earman, Vice Chairman Adams, Commissioner Flescher, Commissioner
Loar, and Commissioner Moss
Sole Source Designation for Saviak Consulting, LLC (Strategic Plan)
Recommended Action:
Staff recommends the Board waive the requirement for bids and authorize the County
Attorney to prepare a formal agreement to memorialize the expectations, deliverables,
costs, and terms. The total amount for this phase of strategic planning shall not exceed
$30,000, excluding work-related expenses.
Commissioner Flescher raised concern over the use of a sole-source provider and
bypassing the RFP (Request for Proposal) process to secure a vendor for strategic
planning consultation. He added that while the County Administrator had the right to
approve the dollar amount of this contract without Board approval, the Commissioner
was concerned over the urgency in the matter, creating a long-term commitment, and
the optics of not putting the contract out to bid. Vice Chairman Adams received
confirmation that Commissioner Flescher was in favor of strategic planning, but
objected to bypassing the bid process for a vendor that the County may be involved
with on a long-term basis.
County Administrator John Titkanich noted it was within his authority to approve the
contract, and he brought this forward in the interest of transparency. Additionally, he
discussed why this was an urgent matter, as the County's strategic plan was outdated
and it was important to set goals and priorities ahead of impending budget planning.
He added that the consultant, Saviak Consulting, LLC, would not necessarily be
contracted for all future phases of planning.
Commissioner Moss spoke in favor of using a sole-source provider in this instance