Commissioner Moss praised TCCH CEO Vicki Soulé and staff.
A motion was made by Commissioner Flescher, seconded by Commissioner
Moss, to approve staff's recommendation and adopt Ordinance 2023-006,
amending the Zoning Ordinance and the accompanying Zoning Map for
approximately ±4.46 acres located south of and adjacent to 9th Street
Southwest, from CH, Heavy Commercial District and CG General Commercial
District, to MED, Medical District; and providing codification, severability, and
effective date. The motion carried by the following vote:
5 -
Chairman Earman, Vice Chairman Adams, Commissioner Flescher,
Commissioner Loar, and Commissioner Moss
Request to Speak from Catherine Keller re: Fence Built on County-owned Land
No action required
Recommended Action:
Catherine Keller appeared before the Board to follow up on a Code Enforcement
Board Order Finding Violation issued on June 7, 2022, on a property at 7985
100th Avenue. The Board had previously considered various remedies to the
Keller's encroachment issue at the BCC regular meeting of March 7, 2023, and
had decided to continue with the code enforcement process. After meeting
individually with the Commissioners in March, Ms. Keller was hopeful the Board
had found a compromise to her situation.
Commissioner Flescher advised that the avenue to appeal a code enforcement
violation was through the Court. He recounted that he had met with Ms. Keller in
April, but noted the absence of mitigating circumstances meant the code
enforcement ruling would stand, and she would have to come into compliance as
specified in the order.
County Attorney Dylan Reingold advised the window for appeals was 30 days
following the date the order was issued by the Code Enforcement Board.
No Action Taken or Required
Request to Speak from Ryan Holmes re: Mandatory Polygraph Tests Given to
County Employees Accused of Misconduct
Recommended Action:
No action required
Speaker not present