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CommonLook PDF Compliance Report

Name of Verified File:


Date Verified:

Monday, December 16, 2019

Results Summary:

Number of Pages: 7

Total number of tests requested: 69

Total of Failed statuses: 0

Total of Warning statuses: 0

Total of Passed statuses: 175

Total of User Verify statuses: 0

Total of Not Applicable statuses: 33

Structural Results

ISO 32000-1:2008

SerialPage No.Element PathCheckpoint NameTest NameStatusReasonComments
1Form AnnotationsForm Annotations - Valid TaggingPassedAll Form Annotations are tagged in Form Tags.
2HeadingsNo nested HeadingsPassedHeading tags are not nested inside one another.
3Link AnnotationsLink Annotations - Valid TaggingPassedAll tagged Link annotations are tagged in Link or Reference tags.
4Link AnnotationsLink DestinationPassedAll Link destinations are valid
5LinksIncludes Link AnnotationPassedAll Link tags contain at least one Link annotation.
6ListValid ChildrenPassedAll List elements passed.
7List ItemLI - Valid ParentPassedAll List Items passed.
8List ItemLBody - Valid ParentPassedAll LBody elements passed.
9List ItemLbl - Valid ParentPassedAll Lbl elements passed.
10Structural IssuesAlternate Text with no contentPassedAll tags with Alternate, Actual or Expansion Text have content associated with them.
11Structural IssuesEmpty TagsPassedNo empty tags were detected in document.
12DocumentValid Document elementNot ApplicableNo Document elements were detected in this document.
13Other AnnotationsOther Annotations - Valid TaggingNot ApplicableNo Annotations (other than Links and Widgets) were detected in this document.
14RP, RT and RBRP, RT and RB - Valid ParentNot ApplicableNo RP, RB or RT elements were detected in this document.
15RubyValid ChildrenNot ApplicableNo Ruby elements were detected in this document.
16TableValid ChildrenNot ApplicableNo Table elements were detected in this document.
17TableRegularityNot ApplicableNo tables were detected in this document.
18Table CellsTD - Valid ParentNot ApplicableNo Table Data Cell or Header Cell elements were detected in this document.
19Table RowsParent and children are validNot ApplicableNo Table Row elements were detected in this document.
20THead, TBody and TFootParent and children are validNot ApplicableNo THead, TFoot, or TBody elements were detected in this document.
21TOCValid ChildrenNot ApplicableNo TOC elements were detected in this document.
22TOCIValid Parent and ChildrenNot ApplicableNo TOCI elements were detected in this document.
23WarichuWarichuNot ApplicableNo Warichu elements were detected in this document.
24WT and WPWT and WP - Valid ParentNot ApplicableNo WP or WT elements were detected in the document

Accessibility Results

WCAG 2.0 AA (Revised Section 508 - 2017)

SerialPage No.Element PathCheckpoint NameTest NameStatusReasonComments
11Tags->9Guideline 1.1 Provide text alternatives for all non-text contentAlternative Representation for FiguresPassedPlease verify that Alt of "Indian River County Logo" is appropriate for the highlighted element.Verification result set by user.
21Tags->8->0Guideline 1.1 Provide text alternatives for all non-text contentAlternative Representation for LinksPassedPlease verify that Alt of " " is appropriate for the highlighted element.Verification result set by user.
31Tags->8->0->0Guideline 1.1 Provide text alternatives for all non-text contentAlternative Representation for LinksPassedPlease verify that Contents of " " is appropriate for the highlighted element.Verification result set by user.
41,2Tags->13->5->1->1->0->1->1,Tags->13->5->1->1->1->1->1,Tags->13->7->1->1->0->1->1Guideline 1.1 Provide text alternatives for all non-text contentAlternative Representation for LinksPassedPlease verify that Alt of "Proclamation " is appropriate for the highlighted element.Verification result set by user.
51,2Tags->13->5->1->1->0->1->1->0,Tags->13->5->1->1->1->1->1->0,Tags->13->7->1->1->0->1->1->0Guideline 1.1 Provide text alternatives for all non-text contentAlternative Representation for LinksPassedPlease verify that Contents of " Proclamation " is appropriate for the highlighted element.Verification result set by user.
62Tags->13->6->1->1->0->1->1Guideline 1.1 Provide text alternatives for all non-text contentAlternative Representation for LinksPassedPlease verify that Alt of "09102019BCC " is appropriate for the highlighted element.Verification result set by user.
72Tags->13->6->1->1->0->1->1->0Guideline 1.1 Provide text alternatives for all non-text contentAlternative Representation for LinksPassedPlease verify that Contents of " 09102019BCC " is appropriate for the highlighted element.Verification result set by user.
82Tags->13->6->1->1->1->1->1Guideline 1.1 Provide text alternatives for all non-text contentAlternative Representation for LinksPassedPlease verify that Alt of "09172019BCC " is appropriate for the highlighted element.Verification result set by user.
92Tags->13->6->1->1->1->1->1->0Guideline 1.1 Provide text alternatives for all non-text contentAlternative Representation for LinksPassedPlease verify that Contents of " 09172019BCC " is appropriate for the highlighted element.Verification result set by user.
102Tags->13->7->1->1->1->1->1Guideline 1.1 Provide text alternatives for all non-text contentAlternative Representation for LinksPassedPlease verify that Alt of "Notification Department of Corrections Intent to Lease " is appropriate for the highlighted element.Verification result set by user.
112Tags->13->7->1->1->1->1->1->0Guideline 1.1 Provide text alternatives for all non-text contentAlternative Representation for LinksPassedPlease verify that Contents of " Notification Department of Corrections Intent to Lease " is appropriate for the highlighted element.Verification result set by user.
122Tags->13->7->1->1->2->1->1Guideline 1.1 Provide text alternatives for all non-text contentAlternative Representation for LinksPassedPlease verify that Alt of "Commissioner's Memorandum " is appropriate for the highlighted element.Verification result set by user.
132Tags->13->7->1->1->2->1->1->0Guideline 1.1 Provide text alternatives for all non-text contentAlternative Representation for LinksPassedPlease verify that Contents of " Commissioner's Memorandum " is appropriate for the highlighted element.Verification result set by user.
142Tags->13->7->1->1->2->1->2Guideline 1.1 Provide text alternatives for all non-text contentAlternative Representation for LinksPassedPlease verify that Alt of "Letter to Thomas J. Lanahan " is appropriate for the highlighted element.Verification result set by user.
152Tags->13->7->1->1->2->1->2->0Guideline 1.1 Provide text alternatives for all non-text contentAlternative Representation for LinksPassedPlease verify that Contents of " Letter to Thomas J. Lanahan " is appropriate for the highlighted element.Verification result set by user.
162Tags->13->7->1->1->3->1->1Guideline 1.1 Provide text alternatives for all non-text contentAlternative Representation for LinksPassedPlease verify that Alt of "Sebastian Committee Liaison Appointments " is appropriate for the highlighted element.Verification result set by user.
172Tags->13->7->1->1->3->1->1->0Guideline 1.1 Provide text alternatives for all non-text contentAlternative Representation for LinksPassedPlease verify that Contents of " Sebastian Committee Liaison Appointments " is appropriate for the highlighted element.Verification result set by user.
182,3,4,5,6Tags->13->7->1->1->4->1->1,Tags->13->8->1->1->1->1->1,Tags->13->8->1->1->2->1->1,Tags->13->8->1->1->3->1->1,Tags->13->8->1->1->4->1->1,Tags->13->8->1->1->5->1->1,Tags->13->8->1->1->6->1->1,Tags->13->8->1->1->7->1->1,Tags->13->8->1->1->9->1->1,Tags->13->8->1->1->10->1->1,Tags->13->10->1->1->0->1->1->0->1->1,Tags->13->10->1->1->2->1->1->0->1->1,Tags->13->11->1->1->0->1->5,Tags->13->12->1->1->5->1->1->0->1->1,Tags->13->12->1->1->6->1->1->0->1->1,Tags->13->15->1->1->0->1->1->0->1->1Guideline 1.1 Provide text alternatives for all non-text contentAlternative Representation for LinksPassedPlease verify that Alt of "Staff Report " is appropriate for the highlighted element.Verification result set by user.
192,3,4,5,6Tags->13->7->1->1->4->1->1->0,Tags->13->8->1->1->1->1->1->0,Tags->13->8->1->1->2->1->1->0,Tags->13->8->1->1->3->1->1->0,Tags->13->8->1->1->4->1->1->0,Tags->13->8->1->1->5->1->1->0,Tags->13->8->1->1->6->1->1->0,Tags->13->8->1->1->7->1->1->0,Tags->13->8->1->1->9->1->1->0,Tags->13->8->1->1->10->1->1->0,Tags->13->10->1->1->0->1->1->0->1->1->0,Tags->13->10->1->1->2->1->1->0->1->1->0,Tags->13->11->1->1->0->1->5->0,Tags->13->12->1->1->5->1->1->0->1->1->0,Tags->13->12->1->1->6->1->1->0->1->1->0,Tags->13->15->1->1->0->1->1->0->1->1->0Guideline 1.1 Provide text alternatives for all non-text contentAlternative Representation for LinksPassedPlease verify that Contents of " Staff Report " is appropriate for the highlighted element.Verification result set by user.
202Tags->13->7->1->1->5->1->1Guideline 1.1 Provide text alternatives for all non-text contentAlternative Representation for LinksPassedPlease verify that Alt of "2020 Commissioners' Committee Assignments " is appropriate for the highlighted element.Verification result set by user.
212Tags->13->7->1->1->5->1->1->0Guideline 1.1 Provide text alternatives for all non-text contentAlternative Representation for LinksPassedPlease verify that Contents of " 2020 Commissioners' Committee Assignments " is appropriate for the highlighted element.Verification result set by user.
222Tags->13->8->1->1->0->1->1Guideline 1.1 Provide text alternatives for all non-text contentAlternative Representation for LinksPassedPlease verify that Alt of "Finance Department Staff Report " is appropriate for the highlighted element.Verification result set by user.
232Tags->13->8->1->1->0->1->1->0Guideline 1.1 Provide text alternatives for all non-text contentAlternative Representation for LinksPassedPlease verify that Contents of " Finance Department Staff Report " is appropriate for the highlighted element.Verification result set by user.
242Tags->13->8->1->1->1->1->2Guideline 1.1 Provide text alternatives for all non-text contentAlternative Representation for LinksPassedPlease verify that Alt of "Work Order No 1 with KHA " is appropriate for the highlighted element.Verification result set by user.
252Tags->13->8->1->1->1->1->2->0Guideline 1.1 Provide text alternatives for all non-text contentAlternative Representation for LinksPassedPlease verify that Contents of " Work Order No 1 with KHA " is appropriate for the highlighted element.Verification result set by user.
262,3,5Tags->13->8->1->1->2->1->2,Tags->13->8->1->1->3->1->2,Tags->13->12->1->1->5->1->1->0->1->2Guideline 1.1 Provide text alternatives for all non-text contentAlternative Representation for LinksPassedPlease verify that Alt of "Sample Agreement " is appropriate for the highlighted element.Verification result set by user.
272,3,5Tags->13->8->1->1->2->1->2->0,Tags->13->8->1->1->3->1->2->0,Tags->13->12->1->1->5->1->1->0->1->2->0Guideline 1.1 Provide text alternatives for all non-text contentAlternative Representation for LinksPassedPlease verify that Contents of " Sample Agreement " is appropriate for the highlighted element.Verification result set by user.
283Tags->13->8->1->1->4->1->2Guideline 1.1 Provide text alternatives for all non-text contentAlternative Representation for LinksPassedPlease verify that Alt of "Proposed Amendment " is appropriate for the highlighted element.Verification result set by user.
293Tags->13->8->1->1->4->1->2->0Guideline 1.1 Provide text alternatives for all non-text contentAlternative Representation for LinksPassedPlease verify that Contents of " Proposed Amendment " is appropriate for the highlighted element.Verification result set by user.
303Tags->13->8->1->1->5->1->2Guideline 1.1 Provide text alternatives for all non-text contentAlternative Representation for LinksPassedPlease verify that Alt of "Resolution (Indian River Surgery Properties LLC) " is appropriate for the highlighted element.Verification result set by user.
313Tags->13->8->1->1->5->1->2->0Guideline 1.1 Provide text alternatives for all non-text contentAlternative Representation for LinksPassedPlease verify that Contents of " Resolution (Indian River Surgery Properties LLC) " is appropriate for the highlighted element.Verification result set by user.
323Tags->13->8->1->1->5->1->3Guideline 1.1 Provide text alternatives for all non-text contentAlternative Representation for LinksPassedPlease verify that Alt of "Resolution (Eichelberger) " is appropriate for the highlighted element.Verification result set by user.
333Tags->13->8->1->1->5->1->3->0Guideline 1.1 Provide text alternatives for all non-text contentAlternative Representation for LinksPassedPlease verify that Contents of " Resolution (Eichelberger) " is appropriate for the highlighted element.Verification result set by user.
343Tags->13->8->1->1->5->1->4Guideline 1.1 Provide text alternatives for all non-text contentAlternative Representation for LinksPassedPlease verify that Alt of "Resolution (Thompson) " is appropriate for the highlighted element.Verification result set by user.
353Tags->13->8->1->1->5->1->4->0Guideline 1.1 Provide text alternatives for all non-text contentAlternative Representation for LinksPassedPlease verify that Contents of " Resolution (Thompson) " is appropriate for the highlighted element.Verification result set by user.
363Tags->13->8->1->1->5->1->5Guideline 1.1 Provide text alternatives for all non-text contentAlternative Representation for LinksPassedPlease verify that Alt of "Resolution (Harris Groves) " is appropriate for the highlighted element.Verification result set by user.
373Tags->13->8->1->1->5->1->5->0Guideline 1.1 Provide text alternatives for all non-text contentAlternative Representation for LinksPassedPlease verify that Contents of " Resolution (Harris Groves) " is appropriate for the highlighted element.Verification result set by user.
383Tags->13->8->1->1->5->1->6Guideline 1.1 Provide text alternatives for all non-text contentAlternative Representation for LinksPassedPlease verify that Alt of "Resolution (Jackson) " is appropriate for the highlighted element.Verification result set by user.
393Tags->13->8->1->1->5->1->6->0Guideline 1.1 Provide text alternatives for all non-text contentAlternative Representation for LinksPassedPlease verify that Contents of " Resolution (Jackson) " is appropriate for the highlighted element.Verification result set by user.
403Tags->13->8->1->1->5->1->7Guideline 1.1 Provide text alternatives for all non-text contentAlternative Representation for LinksPassedPlease verify that Alt of "Resolution (Hudson) " is appropriate for the highlighted element.Verification result set by user.
413Tags->13->8->1->1->5->1->7->0Guideline 1.1 Provide text alternatives for all non-text contentAlternative Representation for LinksPassedPlease verify that Contents of " Resolution (Hudson) " is appropriate for the highlighted element.Verification result set by user.
423Tags->13->8->1->1->5->1->8Guideline 1.1 Provide text alternatives for all non-text contentAlternative Representation for LinksPassedPlease verify that Alt of "Resolution (Besancon) " is appropriate for the highlighted element.Verification result set by user.
433Tags->13->8->1->1->5->1->8->0Guideline 1.1 Provide text alternatives for all non-text contentAlternative Representation for LinksPassedPlease verify that Contents of " Resolution (Besancon) " is appropriate for the highlighted element.Verification result set by user.
443Tags->13->8->1->1->6->1->2Guideline 1.1 Provide text alternatives for all non-text contentAlternative Representation for LinksPassedPlease verify that Alt of "Contract Modification #1 " is appropriate for the highlighted element.Verification result set by user.
453Tags->13->8->1->1->6->1->2->0Guideline 1.1 Provide text alternatives for all non-text contentAlternative Representation for LinksPassedPlease verify that Contents of " Contract Modification #1 " is appropriate for the highlighted element.Verification result set by user.
463Tags->13->8->1->1->6->1->3Guideline 1.1 Provide text alternatives for all non-text contentAlternative Representation for LinksPassedPlease verify that Alt of "Impact Fee Consultant Contract " is appropriate for the highlighted element.Verification result set by user.
473Tags->13->8->1->1->6->1->3->0Guideline 1.1 Provide text alternatives for all non-text contentAlternative Representation for LinksPassedPlease verify that Contents of " Impact Fee Consultant Contract " is appropriate for the highlighted element.Verification result set by user.
483Tags->13->8->1->1->7->1->2Guideline 1.1 Provide text alternatives for all non-text contentAlternative Representation for LinksPassedPlease verify that Alt of "Amendment No. 1 to Work Order No. 2018029-4 " is appropriate for the highlighted element.Verification result set by user.
493Tags->13->8->1->1->7->1->2->0Guideline 1.1 Provide text alternatives for all non-text contentAlternative Representation for LinksPassedPlease verify that Contents of " Amendment No. 1 to Work Order No. 2018029-4 " is appropriate for the highlighted element.Verification result set by user.
503Tags->13->8->1->1->7->1->3Guideline 1.1 Provide text alternatives for all non-text contentAlternative Representation for LinksPassedPlease verify that Alt of "Exhibit 1 " is appropriate for the highlighted element.Verification result set by user.
513Tags->13->8->1->1->7->1->3->0Guideline 1.1 Provide text alternatives for all non-text contentAlternative Representation for LinksPassedPlease verify that Contents of " Exhibit 1 " is appropriate for the highlighted element.Verification result set by user.
523Tags->13->8->1->1->7->1->4Guideline 1.1 Provide text alternatives for all non-text contentAlternative Representation for LinksPassedPlease verify that Alt of "Exhibit 2 " is appropriate for the highlighted element.Verification result set by user.
533Tags->13->8->1->1->7->1->4->0Guideline 1.1 Provide text alternatives for all non-text contentAlternative Representation for LinksPassedPlease verify that Contents of " Exhibit 2 " is appropriate for the highlighted element.Verification result set by user.
543Tags->13->8->1->1->8->1->4Guideline 1.1 Provide text alternatives for all non-text contentAlternative Representation for LinksPassedPlease verify that Alt of "Staff report " is appropriate for the highlighted element.Verification result set by user.
553Tags->13->8->1->1->8->1->4->0Guideline 1.1 Provide text alternatives for all non-text contentAlternative Representation for LinksPassedPlease verify that Contents of " Staff report " is appropriate for the highlighted element.Verification result set by user.
563Tags->13->8->1->1->8->1->5Guideline 1.1 Provide text alternatives for all non-text contentAlternative Representation for LinksPassedPlease verify that Alt of "APTIM-WO No. 2018008-2 " is appropriate for the highlighted element.Verification result set by user.
573Tags->13->8->1->1->8->1->5->0Guideline 1.1 Provide text alternatives for all non-text contentAlternative Representation for LinksPassedPlease verify that Contents of " APTIM-WO No. 2018008-2 " is appropriate for the highlighted element.Verification result set by user.
583Tags->13->8->1->1->8->1->6Guideline 1.1 Provide text alternatives for all non-text contentAlternative Representation for LinksPassedPlease verify that Alt of "FDEP Response Letter dated March 9, 2018 " is appropriate for the highlighted element.Verification result set by user.
593Tags->13->8->1->1->8->1->6->0Guideline 1.1 Provide text alternatives for all non-text contentAlternative Representation for LinksPassedPlease verify that Contents of " FDEP Response Letter dated March 9, 2018 " is appropriate for the highlighted element.Verification result set by user.
604Tags->13->8->1->1->9->1->2Guideline 1.1 Provide text alternatives for all non-text contentAlternative Representation for LinksPassedPlease verify that Alt of "John Brown & Son Renewal Agmt " is appropriate for the highlighted element.Verification result set by user.
614Tags->13->8->1->1->9->1->2->0Guideline 1.1 Provide text alternatives for all non-text contentAlternative Representation for LinksPassedPlease verify that Contents of " John Brown & Son Renewal Agmt " is appropriate for the highlighted element.Verification result set by user.
624Tags->13->8->1->1->10->1->2Guideline 1.1 Provide text alternatives for all non-text contentAlternative Representation for LinksPassedPlease verify that Alt of "Master Service Agreement " is appropriate for the highlighted element.Verification result set by user.
634Tags->13->8->1->1->10->1->2->0Guideline 1.1 Provide text alternatives for all non-text contentAlternative Representation for LinksPassedPlease verify that Contents of " Master Service Agreement " is appropriate for the highlighted element.Verification result set by user.
644Tags->13->8->1->1->10->1->3Guideline 1.1 Provide text alternatives for all non-text contentAlternative Representation for LinksPassedPlease verify that Alt of "FY 19-20 Maintenance Cost Summary " is appropriate for the highlighted element.Verification result set by user.
654Tags->13->8->1->1->10->1->3->0Guideline 1.1 Provide text alternatives for all non-text contentAlternative Representation for LinksPassedPlease verify that Contents of " FY 19-20 Maintenance Cost Summary " is appropriate for the highlighted element.Verification result set by user.
664Tags->13->8->1->1->10->1->4Guideline 1.1 Provide text alternatives for all non-text contentAlternative Representation for LinksPassedPlease verify that Alt of "CPI Letter " is appropriate for the highlighted element.Verification result set by user.
674Tags->13->8->1->1->10->1->4->0Guideline 1.1 Provide text alternatives for all non-text contentAlternative Representation for LinksPassedPlease verify that Contents of " CPI Letter " is appropriate for the highlighted element.Verification result set by user.
684Tags->13->10->1->1->0->1->1->0->1->2Guideline 1.1 Provide text alternatives for all non-text contentAlternative Representation for LinksPassedPlease verify that Alt of "Portion of Draft BCC Minutes 10-22-2019 " is appropriate for the highlighted element.Verification result set by user.
694Tags->13->10->1->1->0->1->1->0->1->2->0Guideline 1.1 Provide text alternatives for all non-text contentAlternative Representation for LinksPassedPlease verify that Contents of " Portion of Draft BCC Minutes 10-22-2019 " is appropriate for the highlighted element.Verification result set by user.
704Tags->13->10->1->1->0->1->1->0->1->3Guideline 1.1 Provide text alternatives for all non-text contentAlternative Representation for LinksPassedPlease verify that Alt of "Proposed Ordinance " is appropriate for the highlighted element.Verification result set by user.
714Tags->13->10->1->1->0->1->1->0->1->3->0Guideline 1.1 Provide text alternatives for all non-text contentAlternative Representation for LinksPassedPlease verify that Contents of " Proposed Ordinance " is appropriate for the highlighted element.Verification result set by user.
724Tags->13->10->1->1->0->1->1->0->1->4Guideline 1.1 Provide text alternatives for all non-text contentAlternative Representation for LinksPassedPlease verify that Alt of "Proposed Resolution " is appropriate for the highlighted element.Verification result set by user.
734Tags->13->10->1->1->0->1->1->0->1->4->0Guideline 1.1 Provide text alternatives for all non-text contentAlternative Representation for LinksPassedPlease verify that Contents of " Proposed Resolution " is appropriate for the highlighted element.Verification result set by user.
744Tags->13->10->1->1->1->1->1->0->1->1Guideline 1.1 Provide text alternatives for all non-text contentAlternative Representation for LinksPassedPlease verify that Alt of "Public Discussion Request " is appropriate for the highlighted element.Verification result set by user.
754Tags->13->10->1->1->1->1->1->0->1->1->0Guideline 1.1 Provide text alternatives for all non-text contentAlternative Representation for LinksPassedPlease verify that Contents of " Public Discussion Request " is appropriate for the highlighted element.Verification result set by user.
765Tags->13->11->1->1->0->1->2Guideline 1.1 Provide text alternatives for all non-text contentAlternative Representation for LinksPassedPlease verify that Alt of "Tri-County Legislative Priorities " is appropriate for the highlighted element.Verification result set by user.
775Tags->13->11->1->1->0->1->2->0Guideline 1.1 Provide text alternatives for all non-text contentAlternative Representation for LinksPassedPlease verify that Contents of " Tri-County Legislative Priorities " is appropriate for the highlighted element.Verification result set by user.
785Tags->13->11->1->1->0->1->4Guideline 1.1 Provide text alternatives for all non-text contentAlternative Representation for LinksPassedPlease verify that Alt of "Revised Biosolids Policy Statement" is appropriate for the highlighted element.Verification result set by user.
795Tags->13->11->1->1->0->1->4->0Guideline 1.1 Provide text alternatives for all non-text contentAlternative Representation for LinksPassedPlease verify that Contents of " Revised Biosolids Policy Statement " is appropriate for the highlighted element.Verification result set by user.
805Tags->13->12->1->1->5->1->1->0->1->3Guideline 1.1 Provide text alternatives for all non-text contentAlternative Representation for LinksPassedPlease verify that Alt of "Memo from TRC " is appropriate for the highlighted element.Verification result set by user.
815Tags->13->12->1->1->5->1->1->0->1->3->0Guideline 1.1 Provide text alternatives for all non-text contentAlternative Representation for LinksPassedPlease verify that Contents of " Memo from TRC " is appropriate for the highlighted element.Verification result set by user.
825Tags->13->12->1->1->5->1->1->0->1->4Guideline 1.1 Provide text alternatives for all non-text contentAlternative Representation for LinksPassedPlease verify that Alt of "Response to TRC request to Withdraw " is appropriate for the highlighted element.Verification result set by user.
835Tags->13->12->1->1->5->1->1->0->1->4->0Guideline 1.1 Provide text alternatives for all non-text contentAlternative Representation for LinksPassedPlease verify that Contents of " Response to TRC request to Withdraw " is appropriate for the highlighted element.Verification result set by user.
845Tags->13->12->1->1->6->1->1->0->1->2Guideline 1.1 Provide text alternatives for all non-text contentAlternative Representation for LinksPassedPlease verify that Alt of "Change Order 1 w Attachment " is appropriate for the highlighted element.Verification result set by user.
855Tags->13->12->1->1->6->1->1->0->1->2->0Guideline 1.1 Provide text alternatives for all non-text contentAlternative Representation for LinksPassedPlease verify that Contents of " Change Order 1 w Attachment " is appropriate for the highlighted element.Verification result set by user.
866Tags->13->14->1->1->2->1->1->0->1->1Guideline 1.1 Provide text alternatives for all non-text contentAlternative Representation for LinksPassedPlease verify that Alt of "Commissioners Memorandum " is appropriate for the highlighted element.Verification result set by user.
876Tags->13->14->1->1->2->1->1->0->1->1->0Guideline 1.1 Provide text alternatives for all non-text contentAlternative Representation for LinksPassedPlease verify that Contents of " Commissioners Memorandum " is appropriate for the highlighted element.Verification result set by user.
886Tags->13->14->1->1->4->1->1->0->1->1Guideline 1.1 Provide text alternatives for all non-text contentAlternative Representation for LinksPassedPlease verify that Alt of "Commissioners Memo " is appropriate for the highlighted element.Verification result set by user.
896Tags->13->14->1->1->4->1->1->0->1->1->0Guideline 1.1 Provide text alternatives for all non-text contentAlternative Representation for LinksPassedPlease verify that Contents of " Commissioners Memo " is appropriate for the highlighted element.Verification result set by user.
906Tags->13->15->1->1->0->1->1->0->1->2Guideline 1.1 Provide text alternatives for all non-text contentAlternative Representation for LinksPassedPlease verify that Alt of "PEMT Letter of Agreement " is appropriate for the highlighted element.Verification result set by user.
916Tags->13->15->1->1->0->1->1->0->1->2->0Guideline 1.1 Provide text alternatives for all non-text contentAlternative Representation for LinksPassedPlease verify that Contents of " PEMT Letter of Agreement " is appropriate for the highlighted element.Verification result set by user.
926Tags->13->15->1->1->0->1->1->0->1->3Guideline 1.1 Provide text alternatives for all non-text contentAlternative Representation for LinksPassedPlease verify that Alt of "Email Dated Dec 3, 2019 " is appropriate for the highlighted element.Verification result set by user.
936Tags->13->15->1->1->0->1->1->0->1->3->0Guideline 1.1 Provide text alternatives for all non-text contentAlternative Representation for LinksPassedPlease verify that Contents of " Email Dated Dec 3, 2019 " is appropriate for the highlighted element.Verification result set by user.
946Tags->13->15->1->1->0->1->1->0->1->4Guideline 1.1 Provide text alternatives for all non-text contentAlternative Representation for LinksPassedPlease verify that Alt of "Florida Statute 409.908 " is appropriate for the highlighted element.Verification result set by user.
956Tags->13->15->1->1->0->1->1->0->1->4->0Guideline 1.1 Provide text alternatives for all non-text contentAlternative Representation for LinksPassedPlease verify that Contents of " Florida Statute 409.908 " is appropriate for the highlighted element.Verification result set by user.
966Tags->18->1->0Guideline 1.1 Provide text alternatives for all non-text contentAlternative Representation for LinksPassedPlease verify that Alt of "" is appropriate for the highlighted element.Verification result set by user.
976Tags->18->1->0->0Guideline 1.1 Provide text alternatives for all non-text contentAlternative Representation for LinksPassedPlease verify that Contents of " " is appropriate for the highlighted element.Verification result set by user.
981Tags->0->0Guideline 1.1 Provide text alternatives for all non-text contentAlternative Representation for FormsPassedPlease verify that TU of "Temporary Agenda and Attachments – Pending Accessibility Review" is appropriate for the highlighted element.Verification result set by user.
99Guideline 1.3 Create content that can be presented in different waysForm Annotations - Valid TaggingPassedAll Form Annotations are tagged in Form Tags.
100Guideline 1.3 Create content that can be presented in different waysLbl - Valid ParentPassedAll Lbl elements passed.
101Guideline 1.3 Create content that can be presented in different waysLBody - Valid ParentPassedAll LBody elements passed.
102Guideline 1.3 Create content that can be presented in different waysLink AnnotationsPassedAll tagged Link annotations are tagged in Link or Reference tags.
103Guideline 1.3 Create content that can be presented in different waysLinksPassedAll Link tags contain at least one Link annotation.
104Guideline 1.3 Create content that can be presented in different waysList ItemPassedAll List Items passed.
105Guideline 1.3 Create content that can be presented in different waysListPassedAll List elements passed.
106Guideline 1.3 Create content that can be presented in different waysHeading LevelsPassedAll Headings are nested correctly
107Guideline 1.3 Create content that can be presented in different waysListNumberingPassedAll List elements passed.
108Guideline 1.3 Create content that can be presented in different waysMeaningful SequencePassedNo Untagged annotations were detected, and no elements have been untagged in this session.
109Guideline 1.3 Create content that can be presented in different waysTabs KeyPassedAll pages that contain annotations have tabbing order set to follow the logical structure.
110DocGuideline 1.4 Make it easier for users to see and hear content including separating foreground from background.Format, layout and colorPassedMake sure that no information is conveyed by contrast, color, format or layout, or some combination thereof while the content is not tagged to reflect all meaning conveyed by the use of contrast, color, format or layout, or some combination thereof.Verification result set by user.
111DocGuideline 1.4 Make it easier for users to see and hear content including separating foreground from background.Minimum ContrastPassedPlease ensure that the visual presentation of text and images of text has a contrast ratio of at least 4.5:1, except for Large text and images of large-scale text where it should have a contrast ratio of at least 3:1, or incidental content or logos Verification result set by user.
112Guideline 2.1 Make all functionality operable via a keyboard interfaceServer-side image mapsPassedNo Server-side image maps were detected in this document (Links with IsMap set to true).
113Guideline 2.4 Provide ways to help users navigate, find content, and determine where they areHeadings definedPassedHeadings have been defined for this document.
114Guideline 2.4 Provide ways to help users navigate, find content, and determine where they areOutlines (Bookmarks)PassedBookmarks are logical and consistent with Heading Levels.
115MetaDataGuideline 2.4 Provide ways to help users navigate, find content, and determine where they areMetadata - Title and Viewer PreferencesPassedPlease verify that a document title of Agenda is appropriate for this document.Verification result set by user.
116MetaDataGuideline 3.1 Make text content readable and understandable.Language specifiedPassedPlease ensure that the specified language (en) is appropriate for the document.Verification result set by user.
117Pages->0Guideline 3.2 Make Web pages appear and operate in predictable waysHeader/Footer pagination artifactsPassedPage 1 does not contain header Artifacts.Verification result set by user.
118Pages->1Guideline 3.2 Make Web pages appear and operate in predictable waysHeader/Footer pagination artifactsPassedPage 2 does not contain header Artifacts.Verification result set by user.
119Pages->2Guideline 3.2 Make Web pages appear and operate in predictable waysHeader/Footer pagination artifactsPassedPage 3 does not contain header Artifacts.Verification result set by user.
120Pages->3Guideline 3.2 Make Web pages appear and operate in predictable waysHeader/Footer pagination artifactsPassedPage 4 does not contain header Artifacts.Verification result set by user.
121Pages->4Guideline 3.2 Make Web pages appear and operate in predictable waysHeader/Footer pagination artifactsPassedPage 5 does not contain header Artifacts.Verification result set by user.
122Pages->5Guideline 3.2 Make Web pages appear and operate in predictable waysHeader/Footer pagination artifactsPassedPage 6 does not contain header Artifacts.Verification result set by user.
123Pages->6Guideline 3.2 Make Web pages appear and operate in predictable waysHeader/Footer pagination artifactsPassedPage 7 does not contain header Artifacts.Verification result set by user.
124Doc->0Guideline 3.2 Make Web pages appear and operate in predictable waysChange of contextPassedAn action of type Go To Destination is attached to the Open Action event of the document. Please ensure that this action does not initiate a change of context.0 XYZ -2147483648 -2147483648 -2147483648
125Guideline 3.3 Help users avoid and correct mistakesRequired fieldsPassedNo form fields have been marked as Required. Please verify that none of the form fields in this document is a required form field.Verification result set by user.
126Guideline 4.1 Maximize compatibility with current and future user agents, including assistive technologies4.1.2 Name, Role, ValuePassedAll user interface components are accessible.
127Guideline 1.1 Provide text alternatives for all non-text contentAlternative Representation for FormulasNot ApplicableNo Formula tags were detected in this document.
128Guideline 1.1 Provide text alternatives for all non-text contentAlternative Representation for Other AnnotationsNot ApplicableNo other annotations were detected in this document.
129Guideline 1.2 Provide synchronized alternatives for multimedia.Captions Not ApplicableNo multimedia elements were detected in this document.
130Guideline 1.3 Create content that can be presented in different waysOther Annotations - Valid TaggingNot ApplicableNo Annotations (other than Links and Widgets) were detected in this document.
131Guideline 1.3 Create content that can be presented in different waysRP, RT and RB - Valid ParentNot ApplicableNo RP, RB or RT elements were detected in this document.
132Guideline 1.3 Create content that can be presented in different waysCorrect Structure - RubyNot ApplicableNo Ruby elements were detected in this document.
133Guideline 1.3 Create content that can be presented in different waysTable CellsNot ApplicableNo Table Data Cell or Header Cell elements were detected in this document.
134Guideline 1.3 Create content that can be presented in different waysTHead, TBody and TFootNot ApplicableNo THead, TFoot, or TBody elements were detected in this document.
135Guideline 1.3 Create content that can be presented in different waysTable RowsNot ApplicableNo Table Row elements were detected in this document.
136Guideline 1.3 Create content that can be presented in different waysTableNot ApplicableNo Table elements were detected in this document.
137Guideline 1.3 Create content that can be presented in different waysCorrect Structure - WarichuNot ApplicableNo Warichu elements were detected in this document.
138Guideline 1.3 Create content that can be presented in different waysCorrect Structure - WT and WPNot ApplicableNo WP or WT elements were detected in the document
139Guideline 1.3 Create content that can be presented in different waysHeader CellsNot ApplicableNo tables were detected in this document.
140Guideline 1.3 Create content that can be presented in different waysSummary attributeNot ApplicableNo Table elements were detected in the document.
141Guideline 1.3 Create content that can be presented in different waysScope attributeNot ApplicableNo TH elements were detected in this document.
142Guideline 1.3 Create content that can be presented in different waysArticle ThreadsNot ApplicableNo Article threads were detected in the document
143Guideline 1.4 Make it easier for users to see and hear content including separating foreground from background.Images of text - OCRNot ApplicableNo raster-based images were detected in this document.
144Guideline 2.2 Provide users enough time to read and use contentTiming AdjustableNot ApplicableNo elements that could require a timed response found in this document.
145Guideline 2.3 Do not design content in a way that is known to cause seizuresThree Flashes or Below ThresholdNot ApplicableNo elements that could cause flicker were detected in this document.
146Guideline 3.3 Help users avoid and correct mistakesForm fields value validationNot ApplicableNo form fields that may require validation detected in this document.