Indian River County Florida  
Indian River County Administration Complex  
1801 27th Street, Building A  
Vero Beach, Florida, 32960-3388  
Meeting Minutes - Final  
Tuesday, November 9, 2021  
9:00 AM  
This meeting can be attended virtually via Zoom. Instructions can  
be found included with this agenda and also online at  
Commission Chambers  
Board of County Commissioners  
Joseph E. Flescher, Chairman, District 2  
Peter D. O'Bryan, Vice Chairman, District 4  
Susan Adams, District 1  
Joseph H. Earman, District 3  
Laura Moss, District 5  
Jason E. Brown, County Administrator  
Dylan Reingold, County Attorney  
Jeffrey R. Smith, Clerk of the Circuit Court and Comptroller  
5 -  
Chairman Joseph Flescher  
Vice Chairman Peter O'Bryan  
Commissioner Susan Adams  
Commissioner Joe Earman  
Commissioner Laura Moss  
Rabbi Michael Birnholz, Temple Beth Shalom  
Commissioner Joseph E. Flescher, Chairman  
Replaced: Backup pages under Item 10.B.2. Miscellaneous Budget Amendment  
A motion was made by Vice Chairman O'Bryan, seconded by Chairman Flescher,  
to approve the Agenda as amended. The motion carried by the following vote:  
5 -  
Chairman Flescher, Vice Chairman O'Bryan, Commissioner Adams, Commissioner  
Earman, and Commissioner Moss  
Presentation of Proclamation Designating November 11th, 2021, as Veterans Day  
Read and Present  
Recommended Action:  
Attachments: Proclamation  
Chairman Flescher expressed appreciation to all veterans for their service, then read  
and presented the Proclamation to Father Dave Newhart, Chairman, Veterans  
Council of Indian River County. Father Dave provided details of the memorial  
ceremonies being held at Veterans Memorial Island Sanctuary and Riverview Park in  
Read and Presented  
Proclamation Honoring James Patterson on His Retirement From Indian River County  
Board of County Commissioners Department of Public Works, Road & Bridge  
Division, with Thirty-Two Years of Service  
Recommended Action:  
Informational Only  
Attachments: Proclamation  
No Action Taken or Required  
Proclamation for Wayne Bibeau on his Retirement from the Property Appraiser's  
Office After Thirty Five Years of Public Service  
Recommended Action:  
Informational Only  
No Action Taken or Required  
4th Quarter FY 2020/2021 Budget Report  
No Action Required  
Recommended Action:  
Attachments: Staff Report  
No Action Taken or Required  
Affordable Housing Advisory Committee Vacancy  
Attachments: Staff Report  
No Action Taken or Required  
Affordable Housing Advisory Committee Vacancy  
Attachments: Staff Report  
No Action Taken or Required  
Florida Public Service Commission Final Order PSC-2020-0409-FOF-EI granting  
FPL and FCG approval for authority to issue and sell securities; FPL and FCG to file  
a consummation report within 90 days of the end of any fiscal year in which it issues  
any securities; docket to remain open to monitor the issuance and/or sale of securities  
until FPL and FCG submit and staff has reviewed the consummation report; docket to  
be closed administratively, a copy is on file in the Clerk to the Board Office.  
Recommended Action:  
Information Only  
No Action Taken or Required  
A motion was made by Commissioner Moss, seconded by Vice Chairman  
O'Bryan, to approve the Consent Agenda as amended, pulling Items 8.C. and 8.F.  
for discussion. The motion carried by the following vote:  
5 -  
Chairman Flescher, Vice Chairman O'Bryan, Commissioner Adams, Commissioner  
Earman, and Commissioner Moss  
Sebastian Inlet Technical Advisory Committee Assistance, APTIM Work Order No.  
Recommended Action:  
Staff recommends the Board of County Commissioners (Board) approve APTIM  
Work Order No. 2018008-3 in the amount of $13,054.00 for technical coastal  
engineering services associated with the support of the County’s participation in the  
Sebastian Inlet Technical Advisory Committee. In addition, staff recommends that the  
Board authorize the Chairman to execute Work Order No. 2018008-3  
Attachments: Staff Report  
Approved staff's recommendation  
TD Bank - Banking Services Agreement Renewal  
Recommended Action:  
Approve the agreement renewal and authorize the Chairman to execute any related  
Approved staff's recommendation  
Agreement with USDA-APHIS Wildlife Services  
Recommended Action:  
Staff recommends that the BCC authorize the Cooperative Services Agreement  
between Indian River County and the United States Department of Agriculture Animal  
and Plant Health Inspection Services (APHIS) Wildlife Services (WS) in the total  
lump sum of $10,364.00. Additionally, staff recommends that the BCC authorize the  
Chairman to execute the agreement  
Attachments: Staff Report  
Commissioner Laura Moss questioned the cost to remove a number of coyotes which  
had predated sea turtle nests in the North County area. Commissioner Earman  
provided information regarding coyotes, and added that he thought the cost was  
A motion was made by Commissioner Moss, seconded by Chairman Flescher, to  
approve staff's recommendation. The motion carried by the following vote:  
5 -  
Chairman Flescher, Vice Chairman O'Bryan, Commissioner Adams, Commissioner  
Earman, and Commissioner Moss  
NexusWorx - Fiber Documentation System - Project Phase-3  
Recommended Action:  
Staff recommends that the IRC Board of County Commissioners waive the  
requirement for bids, approve funding in the amount of $104,750 for Byers  
Engineering and $127,353.72 for Gerelcom Inc., to complete Phase 3 of the  
NexusWorx - Fiber mapping project, and authorize the Purchasing Division to issue  
the required purchase orders each of these organizations.  
Attachments: Staff Report  
Approved staff's recommendation  
One-year extension of agreement between Indian River County (IRC) and AT&T  
Recommended Action:  
Staff recommends that the IRC Board of County Commissioners approve the  
one-year contract term extension in order to maintain the current price structure for  
these AT&T Telecommunications services and authorize the Information Technology  
Department to issue the required notices to AT&T  
Attachments: Staff Report  
Approved staff's recommendation  
DISH Network Cell Site Lease Agreement  
Recommended Action:  
Staff recommends that the Board approve the lease agreement and authorize the  
Chairman to execute the lease and any associated lease documentation and permits  
Attachments: Staff Report  
Commissioner Laura Moss questioned the terms of a cell site lease agreement, and  
asked whether a shorter term lease would be better for the County. County  
Administrator Jason Brown provided rationale for the contract terms, which had been  
vetted by the County's technology consultant.  
Dan Russell, Information Technology Director, confirmed Administrator Brown's  
explanation that leases of this type were oftentimes lengthy to recoup initial  
investments; he went on to inform the Board of the current state of the market  
regarding escalation clauses.  
A motion was made by Commissioner Moss, seconded by Vice Chairman  
O'Bryan, to approve staff's recommendation. The motion carried by the following  
5 -  
Chairman Flescher, Vice Chairman O'Bryan, Commissioner Adams, Commissioner  
Earman, and Commissioner Moss  
Indian River County Supervisor of Elections Leslie Rossway Swan re: Annual Fiscal  
Report for the Year Ended September 30, 2021  
Recommended Action:  
Accept the Report  
Supervisor of Elections Leslie Rossway Swan discussed the challenges her office  
faced while running elections safely during the Covid pandemic. She presented the  
Board with a check for $9,382.39 in returned funds.  
Vice Chairman O'Bryan commended Ms. Swan and her staff for the exemplary way  
they handled elections in the County.  
A motion was made by Commissioner Moss, seconded by Chairman Flescher, to  
accept the Annual Fiscal Report for the Supervisor of Elections Office for the Year  
Ended September 30, 2021. The motion carried by the following vote:  
5 -  
Chairman Flescher, Vice Chairman O'Bryan, Commissioner Adams, Commissioner  
Earman, and Commissioner Moss  
Indian River County Clerk of Circuit Court & Comptroller Jeffrey R. Smith re: Annual  
Report and Excess Fees for the Year Ended September 30, 2021  
Recommended Action:  
Accept the Report  
Jeffrey R. Smith, Clerk of the Court and Comptroller, presented a check for  
$356,853.95 in excess fees for non-court operations. He thanked his staff, as well as  
the Board and County staff for their assistance and supportive relationship. Mr. Smith  
Chairman Flescher thanked Mr. Smith for his conservative fiscal approach to  
managing the County's funds.  
A motion was made by Commissioner Adams, seconded by Commissioner Moss,  
to accept the Annual Fiscal Report for the Clerk of the Circuit Court and  
Comptroller for the Year Ended September 30, 2021 The motion carried by the  
following vote:  
5 -  
Chairman Flescher, Vice Chairman O'Bryan, Commissioner Adams, Commissioner  
Earman, and Commissioner Moss  
Indian River County Tax Collector Carole Jean Jordan re: Annual Fiscal Report for  
the Year Ended September 30, 2021  
Recommended Action:  
Accept the Report  
Indian River County Tax Collector Carole Jean Jordan discussed the past year's state  
of tax collections, noting that the introduction of e-checks had made her office more  
efficient. She thanked her staff for their extra effort this past year. Ms. Jordan  
presented a check for $2,444,665.58, and received thanks from the Board.  
A motion was made by Vice Chairman O'Bryan, seconded by Commissioner  
Earman, to accept the Annual Fiscal Report for the Tax Collector's Office for the  
Year Ended September 30, 2021. The motion carried by the following vote:  
5 -  
Chairman Flescher, Vice Chairman O'Bryan, Commissioner Adams, Commissioner  
Earman, and Commissioner Moss  
Indian River County Sheriff Eric Flowers re: Annual Fiscal Report for the Year Ended  
September 30, 2021  
Recommended Action:  
Accept the Report  
Indian River County Sheriff Eric Flowers presented a check in the amount of  
$1,036,015.73, and discussed his first year as Sheriff. He then requested that  
$660,287 be returned as a budget amendment to cover Covid-related purchase  
orders which were still outstanding.  
County Administrator Jason Brown thanked Sheriff Flowers for his cooperation, and  
noted that typically funds were not rolled over. In light of Covid-related delays,  
however, an exception would be made.  
A motion was made by Vice Chairman O'Bryan, seconded by Chairman Flescher,  
to accept the Annual Fiscal Report for the Sheriff's Office for the Year Ended  
September 30, 2021. Additionally, staff was directed to return to the Board with a  
Budget Amendment for the rollover of funds. The motion carried by the  
following vote:  
5 -  
Chairman Flescher, Vice Chairman O'Bryan, Commissioner Adams, Commissioner  
Earman, and Commissioner Moss  
Indian River County Property Appraiser Wesley Davis re: Annual Fiscal Report for  
the Year Ended September 30, 2021  
Recommended Action:  
Accept the Report  
Indian River County Property Appraiser Wesley Davis presented a return of  
$106,572.00 to the taxpayers, even in light of budget cuts. He credited investments  
in technology which allowed staff to process information more expediently.  
Mr. Davis continued by highlighting metrics from the Property Appraiser's revamped  
website which was responsible for reducing his department's operating costs. He also  
provided a handout which translated the return on investment the technology had  
A motion was made by Vice Chairman O'Bryan, seconded by Chairman Flescher,  
to accept the Annual Fiscal Report for the Property Appraiser's Office for the Year  
Ended September 30, 2021. The motion carried by the following vote:  
5 -  
Chairman Flescher, Vice Chairman O'Bryan, Commissioner Adams, Commissioner  
Earman, and Commissioner Moss  
Public Hearing and Discussion of 2021 Redistricting of County Commissioner  
Recommended Action:  
County staff recommends that the Chairman open the public hearing, take public  
input, and close the public hearing, and that the Board then discuss the proposal  
and provide initial feedback to staff, so that staff can move forward toward the  
preparation and submittal of a final proposal for adoption on December 7th.  
Attachments: Staff Report  
County Attorney Dylan Reingold referred to staff's memo dated November 2,  
2021, which provided a recap of the efforts related to redistricting thus far.  
Attorney Reingold then turned the meeting over to Paige Lester, GIS Analyst,  
who presented Proposal 1B which implemented revisions approved by the Board  
during the October 19, 2021 BCC meeting.  
Attorney Reingold returned with a summary of community concerns expressed at  
the workshop held in the Gifford community on November 1, 2021. He  
concluded that the concerns raised extended beyond the scope of redistricting,  
and vowed to continue meeting with community leaders.  
County Administrator Jason Brown discussed the comments voiced regarding  
changes to the geographical boundaries of Gifford on the Census Designated  
Place map. He sought to clarify the basis for staff's actions, and stated his intent  
to work in collaboration with Gifford community leaders to improve their  
The Chairman opened the public hearing.  
The following residents addressed the Board:  
Anthony Stewart, Southern Christian Leadership Conference  
Valerie Brant-Wilson  
Ed Dodd, Mayor, Sebastian  
Freddie Woolfork, Director, Progressive Civic League of Gifford  
In response to a request from Mr. Stewart concerning incorporated townships,  
Vice Chairman O'Bryan agreed to direct staff to contact Indian River County's  
State Representatives regarding the possibility of incorporating Gifford into a  
town, as well as having Attorney Reingold research the matter.  
There being no further speakers, the Chairman closed the public hearing.  
The Commissioners provided final comments; there were no changes to  
redistricting Proposal 1B.  
A motion was made by Vice Chairman O'Bryan, seconded by Chairman  
Flescher, to approve Alternate Plan 1B for final adoption at the December 7,  
2021 Board meeting. Additionally, the County Attorney was directed to  
research laws pertaining to the establishment of Gifford as an Incorporated  
Township, as well as contacting State Representatives for direction on  
legislative avenues to establish Gifford Township. The motion carried by the  
following vote:  
5 -  
Chairman Flescher, Vice Chairman O'Bryan, Commissioner Adams,  
Commissioner Earman, and Commissioner Moss  
Miscellaneous Budget Amendment 012  
Recommended Action:  
Staff recommends the Board of County Commissioners approve the budget  
amendment resolution amending the fiscal year 2020-2021 budget.  
Attachments: Staff Report  
Management and Budget Director Kristin Daniels referred to staff's memo dated  
October 30, 2021, as she presented Budget Amendment 12. She noted that the  
State statute required a public hearing whenever the budget was amended using  
The Chairman opened the public hearing. There being no speakers, the Chairman  
closed the public hearing.  
A motion was made by Vice Chairman O'Bryan, seconded by Commissioner  
Adams, to approve Resolution 2021-075, amending the Fiscal Year 2020-2021  
Budget. The motion carried by the following vote:  
5 -  
Chairman Flescher, Vice Chairman O'Bryan, Commissioner Adams,  
Commissioner Earman, and Commissioner Moss  
A. Community Development  
B. Emergency Services  
C. General Services  
D. Human Resources  
E. Information Technology  
F. Office of Management and Budget  
G. Public Works  
H. Utilities Services  
Resolution to Adopt Water, Sewer, and Reclaimed Rates, Fees, and Other  
Recommended Action:  
Staff recommends that the Board of County Commissioners vote to approve the  
resolution as drafted, thereby adopting the utility rate increase to go into effect  
Attachments: Staff Report  
Matt Jordan, Interim Director of Utility Services, presented the proposed three  
(3) percent utility rate increase based on the Consumer Price Index, as  
recommended by a rate study performed by Raftelis Financial Consultants. The  
Board was in agreement that the increases were modest and reasonable.  
In response to a question from Commissioner Flescher, Utility Finance Manager  
Cindy Corrente advised that 95 percent of County residents were able to have  
their water meters read electronically. Ms. Corrente informed of the efforts to  
notify residents of the rate increase, as well as planned technology improvements.  
A motion was made by Vice Chairman O'Bryan, seconded by Commissioner  
Adams, to approve Resolution 2021-076, establishing revised Indian River  
County Department of Utility Services (IRCDUS) rate schedule. The motion  
carried by the following vote:  
5 -  
Chairman Flescher, Vice Chairman O'Bryan, Commissioner Adams,  
Commissioner Earman, and Commissioner Moss  
Solar Facilities Land Development Regulation  
Recommended Action:  
The County Attorney recommends that the Board authorize the County Attorney’s  
Office to draft an ordinance allowing solar facilities as a permitted use in the  
agricultural districts and schedule such ordinance for public hearings.  
Attachments: Staff Report  
County Attorney Dylan Reingold reported on Senate Bill (SB) 896, enacted during  
the 2021 Legislative session, which required solar facilities to be a permitted use in all  
agricultural zoning districts in unincorporated areas. He advised that the County  
currently allowed solar facilities as a special exception use, and that he would need the  
Board's approval to return with an Ordinance which would bring the County into  
compliance with SB 896.  
Chairman Flescher noted that the latest Florida Power and Light (FPL) solar field  
required only approval from the Planning and Zoning Commission due to this new  
A motion was made by Vice Chairman O'Bryan, seconded by Chairman Flescher,  
to approve staff's recommendation. The motion carried by the following vote:  
5 -  
Chairman Flescher, Vice Chairman O'Bryan, Commissioner Adams, Commissioner  
Earman, and Commissioner Moss  
Chapter 164 Mediation Update  
Attachments: Staff Report  
County Attorney Dylan Reingold discussed the latest developments in the ongoing  
dispute resolution process with the City of Vero Beach (City) regarding provision of  
water and sewer services to Indian River Shores. In a letter to the County dated  
October 25, 2021, the City sent notice that it wanted to move to the mediation phase  
of the resolution process.  
Attorney Reingold advised the Board that based on his interpretation of the State  
statutes, the decision to move forward with mediation should be discussed during a  
public meeting rather than in a letter. He believed a public meeting also would allow  
clarification of the County's position, and he recommended scheduling another public  
Board discussion ensued with support expressed for Attorney Reingold's suggestion  
for an additional meeting with the City.  
A motion was made by Commissioner Earman, seconded by Chairman Flescher,  
to approve the County Attorney's recommendation to schedule an additional  
meeting with the City of Vero Beach. The motion carried by the following vote:  
5 -  
Chairman Flescher, Vice Chairman O'Bryan, Commissioner Adams, Commissioner  
Earman, and Commissioner Moss  
Affordable Housing Advisory Committee Alternate  
Recommended Action:  
County staff recommends that the Board appoint Beth Mitchell to serve as the  
Planning and Zoning Commission alternate on the Affordable Housing Advisory  
Attachments: Staff Report  
County Attorney Dylan Reingold presented the recommendation to add an alternate  
position to the Affordable Housing Advisory Committee (AHAC) in an effort to  
ensure there were enough members to reach a quorum. Staff recommended Beth  
Mitchell to serve as the Planning and Zoning Commissioner alternate on the AHAC.  
A motion was made by Vice Chairman O'Bryan, seconded by Commissioner  
Adams, to approve staff's recommendation. The motion carried by the following  
5 -  
Chairman Flescher, Vice Chairman O'Bryan, Commissioner Adams, Commissioner  
Earman, and Commissioner Moss  
Affordable Housing Advisory Committee Appointment - Not-for-Profit Provider of  
Affordable Housing  
Recommended Action:  
County staff recommends that the Board appoint Jeff Francisco to serve as the as the  
citizen who is actively engaged as a not-for-profit provider of affordable housing on  
the Affordable Housing Advisory Committee.  
Attachments: Staff Report  
Attorney Dylan Reingold informed that Sheryl S. Vittoe had resigned from her  
position on the Affordable Housing Advisory Committee (AHAC). He  
recommended waiving the 30-day wait-time to appoint a new member in light of  
year-end State deadline requirements. Staff recommended Jeff Francisco to fill the  
position of the citizen who is actively engaged as a not-for-profit provider of  
affordable housing on the AHAC.  
A motion was made by Vice Chairman O'Bryan, seconded by Commissioner  
Adams, to approve staff's recommendation. The motion carried by the following  
5 -  
Chairman Flescher, Vice Chairman O'Bryan, Commissioner Adams, Commissioner  
Earman, and Commissioner Moss  
Affordable Housing Advisory Committee Appointment - citizen who is a real estate  
professional in connection with affordable housing  
Recommended Action:  
County staff recommends that the Board appoint Kenneth “Chip” Landers, Jr. to  
serve as the as the citizen who is a real estate professional in connection with  
affordable housing on the Affordable Housing Advisory Committee  
Attachments: Staff Report  
County Attorney Dylan Reingold presented staff's recommendation for Kenneth  
"Chip" Landers, Jr. to fill the vacant position of citizen who is a real estate professional  
in connection with affordable housing on the Affordable Housing Advisory  
A motion was made by Vice Chairman O'Bryan, seconded by Commissioner  
Earman, to approve staff's recommendation. The motion carried by the following  
5 -  
Chairman Flescher, Vice Chairman O'Bryan, Commissioner Adams, Commissioner  
Earman, and Commissioner Moss  
A. Commissioner Joseph E. Flescher, Chairman  
Discussion on Indian River County Joining the Small County Coalition  
Recommended Action:  
Chairman Flescher referred to his memo dated November 2, 2021, which  
provided the details and rationale for having the County join the Small County  
A motion was made by Vice Chairman O'Bryan, seconded by Commissioner  
Adams, to approve Indian River County joining the Small County Coalition as  
a participating member. The motion carried by the following vote:  
5 -  
Chairman Flescher, Vice Chairman O'Bryan, Commissioner Adams,  
Commissioner Earman, and Commissioner Moss  
Following the decision to join the Small County Coalition (Coalition), Chairman  
Flescher sought to secure committee appointments. He recommended Legislative  
Affairs and Communications Manager Kathleen Keenan to serve as the Staff  
Commissioner Adams volunteered to serve as the Committee Representative, and  
recommended Commissioner Earman to serve as the Committee Alternate.  
Commissioner Earman spoke favorably of the Coalition's work.  
A motion was made by Commissioner Adams, seconded by Chairman  
Flescher, to approve appointing Commissioner Adams as the Committee  
Representative, Commissioner Earman as the Committee Alternate to the  
Small County Coalition's (SCC) Board of Directors, plus Legislative Affairs and  
Communications Manager Kathleen Keenan as the Staff Representative to  
the SCC. The motion carried by the following vote:  
5 -  
Chairman Flescher, Vice Chairman O'Bryan, Commissioner Adams,  
Commissioner Earman, and Commissioner Moss  
B. Commissioner Peter D. O'Bryan, Vice Chairman  
FAU Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute’s 50th Anniversary  
Recommended Action:  
Vice Chairman O'Bryan proposed making a one-time contribution to Florida  
Atlantic University (FAU) Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute in honor of its  
50th Anniversary. The Vice Chairman noted that the Institute was a valued  
community partner which provided important information regarding the Indian  
River Lagoon.  
The Board expressed agreement that the one-time contribution was warranted.  
A motion was made by Vice Chairman O'Bryan, seconded by Chairman  
Flescher, to approve a one-time donation in the amount of $2,500 in support  
of FAU Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute's 50th Anniversary. The  
motion carried by the following vote:  
5 -  
Chairman Flescher, Vice Chairman O'Bryan, Commissioner Adams,  
Commissioner Earman, and Commissioner Moss  
C. Commissioner Susan Adams  
Proposed Broadband Resolution  
Recommended Action:  
Commissioner Adams requested support of the Florida Association of Counties'  
Access 67 Broadband Initiative which sought to provide access to high speed  
internet throughout Florida.  
The Commissioners expressed support for the Resolution of Support.  
A motion was made by Commissioner Adams, seconded by Chairman  
Flescher, to approve Resolution 2021-077, supporting the Florida Association  
of Counties’ Access 67 Initiative for affordable and reliable high-speed  
internet throughout Florida. The motion carried by the following vote:  
5 -  
Chairman Flescher, Vice Chairman O'Bryan, Commissioner Adams,  
Commissioner Earman, and Commissioner Moss  
D. Commissioner Joseph H. Earman  
E. Commissioner Laura Moss  
The Board reconvened as the Board of Commissioners of the Solid Waste Disposal  
District. Those minutes will be approved at an upcoming Solid Waste Disposal  
District meeting.  
A. Emergency Services District  
B. Solid Waste Disposal District  
A motion was made by Commissioner Adams, seconded by Vice Chairman  
O'Bryan, to approve the Solid Waste Disposal District Budget Workshop  
Minutes of July 14, 2021; the Preliminary Budget Hearing Minutes of  
September 15, 2021; and the Final Budget Hearing Minutes of September 22,  
2021. The motion carried by the following vote:  
5 -  
Chairman Flescher, Vice Chairman O'Bryan, Commissioner Adams,  
Commissioner Earman, and Commissioner Moss  
Approval of Budget Workshop Minutes July 14, 2021  
Recommended Action:  
Approval of Minutes Preliminary Budget Hearing of September 15, 2021  
Recommended Action:  
Approval of Minutes Final Budget Hearing of September 22, 2021  
Recommended Action:  
Approval for Sale of SWDD Property to MWI  
Recommended Action:  
Solid Waste Disposal District (SWDD) staff recommends that its Board approve  
MWI’s offer to purchase the 10-acre parcel and authorize the Chairman to sign  
the Contract, County Deed, and any other closing documents on behalf of the  
SWDD Board  
Attachments: Staff Report  
Himanshu Mehta, Managing Director of the Solid Waste Disposal District,  
presented Moving Water Industries' (MWI) offer to purchase 10 acres of a  
39.75 acre County-owned parcel adjacent to their existing property located at  
7577 SW 9th Avenue. Director Mehta explained that MWI planned to expand  
their manufacturing facility and add new jobs; he also detailed the three factors  
used to evaluate the purchase offer and recommended approval.  
Chairman Flescher expressed excitement for MWI's expansion.  
Marc Boudet, Vice President of Sales, MWI, discussed MWI's expansion plans  
Valerie Brant-Wilson, County resident, spoke in support of additional  
manufacturing jobs  
A motion was made by Vice Chairman O'Bryan, seconded by Chairman  
Flescher, to approve staff's recommendation. The motion carried by the  
following vote:  
5 -  
Chairman Flescher, Vice Chairman O'Bryan, Commissioner Adams,  
Commissioner Earman, and Commissioner Moss  
Amendment No. 3 to Sitecrafters of Florida  
Recommended Action:  
Solid Waste Disposal District staff recommends that its Board approve  
Amendment No. 3 to Sitecrafters of Florida, Inc., and authorize the Chairman to  
sign the agreement after review and approval by the County Attorney as to form  
and legal sufficiency  
Attachments: Staff Report  
There was no discussion regarding this item.  
A motion was made by Vice Chairman O'Bryan, seconded by Commissioner  
Earman, to approve staff's recommendation. The motion carried by the  
following vote:  
5 -  
Chairman Flescher, Vice Chairman O'Bryan, Commissioner Adams,  
Commissioner Earman, and Commissioner Moss  
C. Environmental Control Board  
There being no further business, the Chairman adjourned the meeting at 12:04 p.m.