Indian River County Florida  
Indian River County Administration Complex  
1801 27th Street, Building A  
Vero Beach, Florida, 32960-3388  
Meeting Minutes - Final  
Tuesday, April 23, 2024  
9:00 AM  
Commission Chambers  
Board of County Commissioners  
Susan Adams, District 1, Chairman  
Joseph Flescher, District 2, Vice Chairman  
Joseph H. Earman, District 3  
Deryl Loar, District 4  
Laura Moss, District 5  
John A. Titkanich, Jr., County Administrator  
William K. DeBraal, County Attorney  
Ryan L. Butler, Clerk of the Circuit Court and Comptroller  
5 -  
Chairman Susan Adams  
Vice Chairman Joseph Flescher  
Commissioner Joe Earman  
Commissioner Laura Moss  
Commissioner Deryl Loar  
Chris Drinnon, Grace Baptist Church  
Commissioner Susan Adams  
A motion was made by Vice Chairman Flescher, seconded by Commissioner  
Moss, to approve the Agenda as presented. The motion carried by the following  
5 -  
Chairman Adams, Vice Chairman Flescher, Commissioner Earman, Commissioner  
Moss, and Commissioner Loar  
Presentation of Proclamation Designating April 24, 2024 as Administrative  
Professionals Day  
Recommended Action:  
Read & Present  
Attachments: Proclamation  
Administrative staff members representing a variety of County departments were  
present to accept accolades from the Board for their work. Carol Bergeron, Budget  
Support Specialist, described the care staff took to assist residents in collaborative  
and friendly manner. Tina Cournoyer, Assistant to the County Administrator, thanked  
the Board for the recognition. County Administrator John Titkanich added his  
appreciation for the invaluable role these "unsung heroes" played.  
Read and presented by Vice Chairman Flescher  
Presentation of Proclamation Honoring Indian River County Department of Utility  
Services' Blue Cypress Wastewater Treatment Facility for their Selection to receive  
the 2023 Florida Department of Environmental Protection Domestic Wastewater  
Plant Operations Excellence Award  
Recommended Action:  
Read and Present.  
Attachments: Proclamation  
Chairman Adams praised the Utilities Department staff who were awarded the  
statewide Excellence Award for their stellar work in maintaining high-quality standards  
at the Blue Cypress Wastewater Treatment Facility. Director of Utility Services Sean  
Lieske congratulated the team for their hard work and dedication to the site. Richard  
Meckes, Water & Wastewater Operations Manager, spoke of the pride his staff took  
in maintaining the Blue Cypress Lake which was the headwaters lake of the St. Johns  
Read and presented by Chairman Adams  
Presentation of Proclamation for National Telecommunicators Week April 14-20,  
Recommended Action:  
Read & Present.  
Attachments: Proclamation  
Commissioner Loar took a moment to highlight the fact that public safety dispatchers  
in the County handle hundreds of thousands of calls for law enforcement, fire rescue  
and administration assistance. Sheriff Eric Flowers was joined by Public Safety  
Dispatchers from the Indian River County Sheriff's Office as he lauded staff who  
worked under stressful conditions to help citizens and safety professionals in the  
County. The Sheriff advocated for reclassifying dispatchers as hi-risk personnel so  
they may receive benefits commensurate with the stressful nature of their work.  
Kasey Bailey, dispatcher, discussed the 9-1-1 SAVES Act which would reclassify  
dispatchers as first responders in recognition of the critical role they play in emergency  
situations. Lu Owens, Shift Supervisor, recounted going into stress-induced cardiac  
arrest on the job, and praised the skills of her co-workers who saved her life.  
Commissioner Earman and Vice Chairman Flescher added their experience as first  
responders and hi-risk personnel.  
Read and presented by Commissioner Loar  
Presentation of Proclamation Designating the Week of May 6-12 as National Nurses  
Recommended Action:  
Read & Present  
Attachments: Proclamation  
Maritess Quinto, Southeast Region Director, Florida Nurses Association, thanked the  
Board for the recognition and spoke of issues such as a nurse shortage facing her  
profession. She was joined by colleagues who discussed Nurse's Week, May 6-12,  
and spoke of the empathy and passion nurses have for their critical role in the care of  
the community. A representative from Treasure Coast Community Health (TCCH)  
thanked the Board for their support as the organization planned to expand their  
services for the community.  
Read and presented by Commissioner Earman  
Regular Meeting of February 20, 2024  
Recommended Action:  
A motion was made by Vice Chairman Flescher, seconded by Chairman Adams,  
to approve the Regular Meeting Minutes of February 20, 2024 as written. The  
motion carried by the following vote:  
5 -  
Chairman Adams, Vice Chairman Flescher, Commissioner Earman, Commissioner  
Moss, and Commissioner Loar  
2nd Quarter FY 2023/2024 Budget Report  
No Action Required  
Recommended Action:  
Attachments: Staff Report  
No Action Taken or Required  
Administrator Approved Work Orders  
Recommended Action:  
There is no action required by the Board as this is being presented for informational  
purposes only.  
Attachments: Staff Report  
No Action Taken or Required  
Recognition of Life Saving Action Performed by Lifeguards Andrew Francoeur and  
Aaron Levy.  
Recommended Action:  
Informational item only  
[Clerk Note: This Item was heard following Item 5.D.]  
Deputy County Administrator Mike Zito gave special recognition to two members of  
the County's Ocean Rescue Division, lifeguards Andrew Francoeur and Aaron Levy,  
who saved a citizen undergoing cardiac arrest.  
Deputy Chief Mark Shaw, Indian River Shores Public Safety Department, applauded  
the quick thinking and actions of the lifeguards who saved the beachgoer, Mr.  
Wallace, who was also in attendance. Mr. Wallace thanked the lifeguards for saving  
his life as he recounted his experience. Deputy Chief Shaw presented Challenge coins  
to all three and praised the training the lifeguard/EMTs were given.  
Beach Operations Supervisor Johnathan Billings praised Mr. Francoeur and Mr.  
Levy's life-saving actions as he presented them each with an Accommodation Coin  
from the Florida Beach Patrol Chief's Association.  
The Board thanked the lifeguards for the life-saving protection they offered.  
Administrator Zito noted that defibrillators were being ordered to be installed at all  
County beach parks.  
No Action Taken or Required  
Veterans Services Division Updates  
Informational Only  
Recommended Action:  
Deputy County Administrator Mike Zito introduced the County's Veterans Services  
Office (VSO) team, led by Melissa Arndt, who provided an update to the Board on  
the service improvements being implemented by the VSO. Ms. Arndt detailed the  
streamlined processes implemented which included: walk-in and emergency time slots,  
shortened wait times for appointments (less than one month), and expanded outreach  
efforts with local businesses.  
Administrator Zito noted that all the County's VSO locations were federally and State  
certified, with Ms. Arndt expanding on the required training for officers. County  
Administrator John Titkanich also lauded the Officers for handling an increased  
number of visits in a more timely and efficient manner.  
No Action Taken or Required  
A motion was made by Vice Chairman Flescher, seconded by Commissioner  
Loar, to approve the Consent Agenda as amended, pulling Item 8.I. for  
discussion. The motion carried by the following vote:  
5 -  
Chairman Adams, Vice Chairman Flescher, Commissioner Earman, Commissioner  
Moss, and Commissioner Loar  
Annual Resolution Delegating the Authority to the County Administrator or his  
designee, to execute Resolutions Calling Letters of Credit as Necessary during a  
Declared State of Local Emergency or Declared State of Florida Emergency  
Affecting Indian River County  
Recommended Action:  
Adopt the resolution delegating authority to the County Administrator, or his designee,  
to execute resolutions calling letters of credit as necessary during a declared state of  
local emergency or declared State of Florida emergency affecting Indian River County  
from December 7, 2023 through December 31, 2024.  
Attachments: Staff Report  
Approved staff's recommendation and Resolution 2024-016, delegating the  
authority to the County Administrator or his designee, to execute Resolutions  
calling letters of credit as necessary during a declared state of Local Emergency  
or declared State of Florida Emergency affecting Indian River County; rescinding  
Resolution No. 2022-93 effective December 7, 2023; and providing an effective  
Annual Resolution re Delegation of Authority Concerning Declarations of State of  
Local Emergencies and to Act in a State Declared Emergency Affecting Indian River  
Recommended Action:  
Adopt the resolution delegating authority to the County Administrator, or his designee,  
to declare states of local emergencies and to act in a state declared emergency  
affecting Indian River County effective from December 7, 2023, through December  
31, 2024.  
Attachments: Staff Report  
Approved staff's recommendation and Resolution 2024-017, delegating authority  
to the County Administrator to declare states of local emergencies and to act in a  
State of Florida declared emergency affecting Indian River County; rescinding  
Resolution No. 2022-94 effective December 7, 2023; and providing an effective  
Revision to AM-604.1 Solicitation and Distribution  
Recommended Action:  
Staff respectfully requests the Board of County Commissioners approve staff's  
recommendation to revise AM-604.1 Solicitation and Distribution.  
Attachments: Staff Report  
Approved staff's recommendation  
Approval of Agreements for Software Purchase and Maintenance  
Recommended Action:  
Staff recommends the Board authorize the Chairman to execute the necessary  
agreements, after review and approval by the County Attorney as to form and legal  
Approved staff's recommendation  
Amendment No. 1 Morgan and Eklund Work Order No. 4 for Post Significant  
Erosional Event Rapid Land and Hydrographic Beach Profile Surveys  
Recommended Action:  
The recommendation of staff is for the BCC to approve Amendment No. 1 to WO  
No. 4 under the Professional Land Surveying and Mapping Services contract with  
Morgan and Eklund, Inc., and authorize the Chairman to sign the Amendment on  
behalf of the County. Amendment No. 1 represents a no cost time extension to the  
terms identified in the BCC approved WO No. 4.  
The Natural Resources  
Department’s Coastal Engineering Division staff will not authorize the contractor to  
perform any surveys covered in this Work Order unless field conditions justify the  
Attachments: Staff Report  
Approved staff's recommendation  
Stormwater Partnership with The Learning Alliance  
Recommended Action:  
Staff requests approval from the Indian River County Board of County  
Commissioners to participate in the Moonshot Summer Academy Program again this  
year and authorize the Chair to execute the Letter of Engagement.  
Attachments: Staff Report  
Approved staff's recommendation  
Designation of Excess Equipment as Surplus and Authorization for Disposal  
Recommended Action:  
Staff recommends the Board declare the items on the Excess List for 042324 Agenda  
as surplus and authorize their disposal.  
Attachments: Staff Report  
Approved staff's recommendation  
Waiver of Bid Requirement for FDOT-Certified Traffic Equipment  
Recommended Action:  
Staff recommends the Board waive the requirement for bids for the FLIR cameras, as  
well as any other products of the FDOT APL, and authorize the Purchasing Division  
to issue purchase orders, as approved by Budget.  
Attachments: Staff Report  
Approved staff's recommendation  
First Amendment to Urban Service Boundary Study Agreement (RFP 2024025)  
Recommended Action:  
Staff recommends the Board approve the First Amendment documents and authorize  
the Chairman to sign them after the County Attorney has approved them as to form  
and legal sufficiency.  
Attachments: Staff Report  
Chairman Adams sought to apprise residents that the County was conducting a study  
of the Urban Service Boundary (USB) which marked where the County provided  
services such as water, sewer, and support for development. Chris Balter, Chief of  
Long Range Planning, noted this amendment to the study agreement was made to  
include additional public engagement workshops regarding adjustment to the USB.  
He noted it had been more than 30 years since it had been studied. Mr. Balter  
encouraged the public's engagement and directed to the informational video, survey,  
and meeting information on the County's website.  
Approved staff's recommendation  
Automobile Liability Settlement for Carlene Paulk  
Recommended Action:  
The claim was reviewed by the County's Liability Claims Committee on April 10,  
2024. The Committee voted unanimously to settle the claim for $200,000 and  
recommends that the Board of County Commissioners approve the final settlement of  
$200,000 to resolve this matter.  
Attachments: Staff Report  
Approved staff's recommendation  
Workers Compensation Settlement for Roger Harrington  
Recommended Action:  
The claim was evaluated by the County's TPA service, defense counsel and County  
staff listed above; and it is recommended that the Board of County Commissioners  
approve the final settlement of $100,000 to resolve this claim.  
Attachments: Staff Report  
Approved staff's recommendation  
Approval of Client Service Agreement for Utilities Bill Print and Mailing Services  
Recommended Action:  
Staff recommends the Board approve the Client Service Agreement with Cathedral  
and authorize the Chairman to execute it after review and approval by the County  
Attorney as to form and legal sufficiency.  
Attachments: Staff Report  
Approved staff's recommendation  
Work Order Number 2, Amendment No. 3 - New Restroom Facility at Fran Adams  
(North County) Regional Park  
Recommended Action:  
Staff respectfully requests that the Board of County Commissioners approve Work  
Order Number 2, Amendment No. 3 for Masteller and Moler, Inc. under Continuing  
Engineering Services RFQ 2018008 - Renewal and Amendment No. 1 for the New  
Restroom Facility at Fran Adams (North County) Regional Park and authorize the  
Chairman to execute Amendment No. 3 to Work Order 2 after review and approval  
by the County Attorney.  
Attachments: Staff Report  
Approved staff's recommendation  
Request for Authorization to Submit an Application for Section 5311 Grant for Rural  
Transit Operating Assistance Funds  
Recommended Action:  
Staff recommends that the Board of County Commissioners adopt the resolution  
authorizing the filing of the Section 5311 grant application  
Attachments: Staff Report  
Approved staff's recommendation and Resolution 2024-018, authorizing the  
submission of a grant application for 49 USC Ch. 53, Section 5311 Public Transit  
Operating Assistance.  
Resolution of Support for 26th Street Widening Project  
Recommended Action:  
Staff recommends that the Board of County Commissioners approve the Resolution  
of Support and direct staff to submit the resolution to FDOT.  
Attachments: Staff Report  
Approved staff's recommendation and Resolution 2024-019, supporting the project  
to widen and improve 26th Street from 66th Avenue to 43rd Avenue for the 2024  
Transportation Regional Incentive Grant Program (TRIP) application.  
Resolution of Support for Aviation Boulevard Extension Project  
Recommended Action:  
Staff recommends that the Board of County Commissioners approve the Resolution  
of Support and direct staff to submit the resolution to FDOT.  
Attachments: Staff Report  
Approved staff's recommendation and Resolution 2024-020, supporting the  
extension of Aviation Boulevard between US 1 and 37th Street for the 2024  
County Incentive Grant Program (CIGP) application.  
Appointment of Board of County Commissioners Alternate Representative to the  
MPO Bicycle Pedestrian Advisory Committee  
Recommended Action:  
Staff recommends that the Board review the resume and application of Robert Banov  
and appoint Mr. Banov as the Board of County Commissioners alternate  
representative to the MPO Bicycle Pedestrian Advisory Committee.  
Attachments: Staff Report  
Approved staff's recommendation  
Amendment to Work Order 3 to AtkinsRéalis USA for Continuation of Supplemental  
Staff Support Services  
Recommended Action:  
Staff recommends that the Board of County Commissioners approve Amendment  
No.1 to Work Order 3 with AtkinsRéalis USA in the amount of $150,000.00 to  
provide continuation of supplemental staff support services and authorize the Chair to  
execute the same. So long as there are no changes in the dollar amount under the  
work order and upon adequate completion of the work set forth in the work order,  
staff is directed to make final payment to AtkinsRéalis USA, after review and  
approval by the Purchasing Manager and the County Attorney’s Office.  
Attachments: Staff Report  
Approved staff's recommendation  
Work Order No. 3 - MBV Engineering, Inc., Traffic Operations Facility, IRC-2104  
Recommended Action:  
Staff recommends the Board of County Commissioners approve Work Order No. 3  
in a not-to-exceed amount total of $37,395.00 with MBV Engineering, Inc. and  
authorize the Chairman to execute the same.  
Attachments: Staff Report  
Approved staff's recommendation  
Award of Bid No. 2024015, Oslo Road and 90th Avenue Roadway Improvements  
Recommended Action:  
Staff recommends the project be awarded to Guettler Brothers Construction, Inc. in  
the amount of $2,396,716.50. Staff further recommends the Board approve the  
sample agreement and authorize the Chairman to execute said agreement after review  
and approval of both the agreement and required Public Construction Bond by the  
County Attorney as to form and legal sufficiency, and the receipt and approval of  
required insurance by the Risk Manager.  
Attachments: Staff Report  
Approved staff's recommendation  
TLC Diversified, Inc. Change Order 4 and Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. Work  
Order 6 Amendment 2 for Oslo Water Treatment Plant Improvements  
Recommended Action:  
Staff recommends that the Indian River County Board of County Commissioners  
approve Change Order 4 to TLC Diversified, Inc. for a 77-day time extension and a  
$54,928.65 reduction in contract value, and, Amendment 2 to Work Order 6 with  
Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. in the amount of $51,359.00 for additional time for  
construction phase services, for the Oslo Water Treatment Plant Improvements  
project, and authorize the Department of Utility Services to execute the same. So long  
as there are no changes in the dollar amount of the respective contract and work  
order, upon adequate completion of the work set forth in the respective contract and  
work order, staff is directed to make final payments to TLC Diversified, Inc. and  
Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc., after review and approval by the Purchasing  
Manager and the County Attorney’s Office.  
Attachments: Staff Report  
Approved staff's recommendation  
Consideration of an Ordinance of Indian River County, Florida Amending the  
Zoning Ordinance, and the Accompanying Zoning Map for +19.6 Acres from  
A-1, Agricultural District to RS-3, Single-Family Home Residential District  
(RZON2002030112-96026) [Quasi-Judicial]  
Recommended Action:  
Staff and the Planning and Zoning Commission recommend that the Board of  
County Commissioners approve this request to rezone the subject property from  
A-1, Agricultural, to RS-3, Single-Family Residential.  
Attachments: Staff Report  
Chairman Adams introduced the parties for the proceeding as being Indian River  
County and Island Manor Development LLC (Applicant). Each Commissioner,  
as requested by the Chairman, disclosed ex parte communications, site visits, or  
independent investigations. The Commissioners also affirmed that they have an  
open mind and can base their decisions on the evidence presented and the  
applicable law. Commissioner Moss added relevant emails to the record. County  
Attorney Bill DeBraal noted this parcel had been nominated to be reviewed for  
purchase by the County's Environmental Land Acquisition Panel (ELAP). The  
Chairman opened the public hearing and the Deputy Clerk administered the Oath  
to all persons who wished to speak at the hearing.  
Cindy Thurman, Senior Planner, Long Range Planning, presented staff's analysis  
of the Applicant's request to rezone the parcel from A-1 Agricultural District to  
RS-3, Single Family Residential District. Ms. Thurman displayed the location of  
the former citrus grove which was adjacent to the Captain Forster Hammock  
Preserve, and bordered the Jungle Trail. The report continued to note consistency  
with the County's Comprehensive Plan and Future Land Use Designation, and  
confirmed the parcel met the criteria outlined in Chapter 902.12 (3), County Land  
Development Regulations (LDRs); development requirements would be  
determined at a later stage. The presentation concluded with recommendations  
from the Planning and Zoning Commission and staff to approve the request.  
The Board entered into discussion with Ms. Thurman and Chris Balter, Chief of  
Long Range Planning. Confirmation was received that the Island Manor parcel  
could be purchased by the ELAP even if the parcel was rezoned. Commissioner  
Moss raised concerns with subsections (h) and (j) under County LDR 902.12  
(3). In conversation with staff, the options to survey and mitigate possible  
wetlands were detailed. Discussion was had regarding what constituted a danger  
to the public's wellbeing, noting there was not a threat to the health, safety or  
welfare to the public by rezoning the parcel. It was also noted that changing the  
zoning from the existing A-1 would make the property consistent with the  
County's Comprehensive Plan.  
The Applicant's representative, Ryan McLean, Project Manager at MBV  
Engineering, appeared before the Board to answer any questions. He noted the  
developer was requesting a lower density zoning of RS-3 instead of the maximum  
RS-6 density allowable under the property's L-2 land use designation.  
Island Club residents Robert and Beth Shapiro provided their reasons for  
opposing development of the parcel and spoke in support of the ELAP  
purchasing the land for conservation.  
Closing comments from the Board included details of the ELAP purchase  
process, consistency of the request with the Comprehensive Plan, the processes  
in place between rezoning and development, and that the rezoning request met all  
the County's requirements. Commissioner Moss restated her opposition based on  
adverse impacts to the environment and conflict with the public interest.  
A motion was made by Vice Chairman Flescher, seconded by Commissioner  
Loar, to approved staff's recommendation and adopt Ordinance 2024-007,  
amending the Zoning Ordinance and the accompanying zoning map for  
approximately ±19.65 acres located on the north side of Island Club Manor  
approximately one-quarter of a mile west of Highway A1A, and terminating at  
the eastern boundary of the Indian River, from A-1, Agricultural-1 to RS-3,  
Single-family Residential, and providing codification, severability, and  
effective date The motion carried by the following vote:  
4 -  
Chairman Adams, Vice Chairman Flescher, Commissioner Earman, and  
Commissioner Loar  
1 - Commissioner Moss  
Consideration of Mod Units LLC Request for a Local Jobs Grant  
Recommended Action:  
Staff and the Economic Development Council recommends that the Board of  
County Commissioners; Approve a local job grant of up to $128,000 for Mod  
Units LLC; Authorize the Chair to sign the Jobs Grant Agreement for Mod Units  
LLC after approval of the agreement by appropriate County staff and the County  
attorney’s office  
Attachments: Staff Report  
Chief of Long Range Planning Chris Balter presented Mod Units LLC request for  
a local jobs grant. The company, which manufactured modular units for affordable  
housing construction, projected the creation of 24 mid-and-high-wage jobs for a  
total of $128,000 in grant money to be paid over three years. The request was  
approved by the Economic Development Council at their March 19, 2024  
Under discussion, the Board received information the company had purchased the  
old Ford Wire and Cable manufacturing facility in Sebastian, and had also  
received an economic development grant for the building's expansion.  
The Chairman opened the public hearing.  
Helene Caseltine, Economic Development Vice President for the Indian River  
County Chamber of Commerce, described her efforts to bring the company to  
Indian River County and discussed the positive impact the jobs and the  
manufacturer would have on the community.  
There being no further speakers, the Chairman closed the public hearing.  
A motion was made by Commissioner Moss, seconded by Vice Chairman  
Flescher, to approve staff's recommendation. The motion carried by the  
following vote:  
5 -  
Chairman Adams, Vice Chairman Flescher, Commissioner Earman,  
Commissioner Moss, and Commissioner Loar  
The Chairman called for a recess at 10:38 a.m., and reconvened the meeting at 10:45  
a.m. with all members present.  
Strategic Plan - Element Statements  
Recommended Action:  
Review and approve the attached goal statements to be the foundational element of the  
Strategic Plan development moving forward.  
Attachments: Staff Report  
County Administrator John Titkanich presented the next step in the County's strategic  
plan initiative, creation of goals and goal statements. He noted the plan would be a  
three-year plan, rather than five years, in order to allow modifications based on  
several other studies still in progress. Through a PowerPoint presentation, Mr.  
Titkanich walked the Board through the five goals statements: Environment,  
Governance, Infrastructure, Public Safety, and Quality of Life. He advised that from  
these goals, the strategic planning team would next develop Objectives, Strategies,  
Initiatives and Actions Items with input from staff and the public.  
Commissioner Moss received information that working with the County's  
Municipalities fell under the category of Governance and community engagement.  
Commissioner Loar confirmed that coordination with the Florida Legislature  
(appropriations, home-rule, etc.) also fell under Governance. Mr. Titkanich assured  
there would be opportunity for the Board to indicate their priorities.  
A motion was made by Vice Chairman Flescher, seconded by Commissioner  
Moss, to approve staff's recommendation. The motion carried by the following  
5 -  
Chairman Adams, Vice Chairman Flescher, Commissioner Earman, Commissioner  
Moss, and Commissioner Loar  
A. Community Services  
B. Emergency Services  
C. Human Resources  
D. Information Technology  
E. Natural Resources  
F. Office of Management and Budget  
G. Parks, Recreation, and Conservation  
Parks, Recreation & Conservation Department Fee Schedule and Standard  
Operating Procedures Update  
Recommended Action:  
Staff respectfully requests that the Board of County Commissioners approve the  
proposed fee update in Exhibit A with an effective date of August 1, 2024. Staff  
further requests that the Board of County Commissioners approve the drafted  
Parks, Recreation, and Conservation Department Standard Operating  
Procedures Manual and authorize the Parks, Recreation, and Conservation  
Director to make administrative, non-substantive updates to the SOP as needed.  
Attachments: Staff Report  
Parks, Recreation and Conservation (PR&C) Director Beth Powell presented an  
overview of her recently restructured Department, its standard operating  
procedures, and revised fee schedules. Utilizing a PowerPoint presentation, Ms.  
Powell provided information including operating budget, staff, transactions, and  
highlights from each of the facilities/divisions under PR&C. Ms. Powell also  
highlighted a strengthened connection with the UF/IFAS extension office and its  
offerings. Next, she discussed creating a Standard Operating Procedure (SOP)  
manual to help onboard new employees and provide standards for customer  
service. Lastly, Ms. Powell presented the planned fee updates to cover increased  
operation costs and would take effect fall 2024; of note, the Aquatics fees had  
not been updated since 2002.  
Under discussion, Commissioners expressed their appreciation for staff, the  
quality and variety of facilities available in the County, and the department's  
community outreach. Confirmation was received that County residents would pay  
higher fees at Municipal-owned facilities, the need for more recreation to meet  
increased growth, and that the fairgrounds marquee sign would be repaired.  
Commissioner Earman received an in-depth explanation from Ms. Powell of the  
revised hourly reservation/fee structure for the diving well and swim lanes,  
especially as it related to frequent users. Ms. Powell and Deputy County  
Administrator Mike Zito notified the Board the individual divisions were  
formulating template agreements for frequent users and would bring them to the  
Board for approval.  
Karen Fuss, CEO and Head Coach of Bolt Aquatics, addressed the Board  
regarding the aquatic fee increases and the detrimental effect to her business  
which provided swim classes and competitive swimming. She estimated the  
increased pool rental fees would cost more than $11,000 annually, as well as  
swim meet fee increases. She requested a compromise after her meeting with staff  
provided no relief.  
Commissioner Earman followed up on the request from Bolt Aquatics by asking if  
staff could work to find an individual solution for similar situations. Mr. Zito noted  
the fees were moving to a per-use rate rather than a bulk rate, and that the rates  
compared favorably to Leisure Square considering the absence of an entry fee.  
A motion was made by Vice Chairman Flescher, seconded by Commissioner  
Loar, to approve staff's recommendation. The motion carried by the following  
5 -  
Chairman Adams, Vice Chairman Flescher, Commissioner Earman,  
Commissioner Moss, and Commissioner Loar  
H. Planning and Development Services  
Traffic Signal Cabinet Wraps Project  
Recommended Action:  
Staff recommends that the Board of County Commissioners consider expanding  
the TSC wrap project, and if so, specify the preferred source of funding, the  
preferred means to select locations and artwork, and the preferred method of  
contractor selection.  
Attachments: Staff Report  
Planning and Development Services Director Andy Sobczak introduced the item  
with a brief recap of the project. He informed that staff decided to do a pilot  
study of ten (10) box wraps, at a cost of $500 each, to gauge public and Board  
support. Additionally, Mr. Sobczak discussed his outreach efforts to the  
municipalities who all expressed interest in participating in the project.  
Commissioner Earman used slides to show the results of the pilot project  
graphics, and to outline the decisions that would need to be made going forward.  
The pilot project showed the need for dedicated decision-makers to identify  
locations, photographs, and funding; the Commissioner outlined several  
suggestions to simplify and organize the process. He closed by asking if there was  
interest from the Board to continue with the wraps.  
Commissioner Adams led discussion with her concerns which included the  
availability of staff, quality of the photos, the cost and funding, and also discussed  
similar projects in neighboring cities. She requested tabling the item in light of the  
planning workload facing Community Development staff, and other unanswered  
logistical questions. Commissioner Earman was in favor of the project's  
beautification, and requested the Board's input on continuation of the effort.  
Vice Chairman Flescher expressed concern the wraps were distracting, and  
expressed skepticism over the longevity of the materials. He called for a pause on  
the project until the benefit to the community could be assessed. Commissioner  
Loar acknowledged the community enjoyed the graphics, however, he could not  
justify the cost in light of the upcoming budget. The idea of sponsorships was  
nixed as the Commissioner made a motion to kill the project. Commissioner Moss  
questioned the materials' life cycle, and was concerned about funding, even  
though she liked the graphics.  
Chairman Adams suggested holding the project until the Community Development  
Ombudsman came on board and could review these discussions and decide how  
or if to move forward. After clarification, Vice Chairman Flescher seconded the  
motion not to continue with the project.  
A motion was made by Commissioner Loar, seconded by Vice Chairman  
Flescher, to terminate the traffic signal cabinet wraps project. The motion  
failed by the following vote:  
2 - Vice Chairman Flescher, and Commissioner Loar  
3 - Chairman Adams, Commissioner Earman, and Commissioner Moss  
Chairman Adams called for a motion to revisit the project at a time in the future  
when there was a person on staff who had the bandwidth to handle putting  
together the program and find answers to the questions raised by the Board.  
A motion was made by Commissioner Earman, seconded by Chairman  
Adams, to table the project until there was a staff member who could be  
dedicated to pursuing the matter. The motion passed by the following vote:  
3 - Chairman Adams, Commissioner Earman, and Commissioner Moss  
2 - Vice Chairman Flescher, and Commissioner Loar  
I. Public Works  
J. Utilities Services  
A. Commissioner Susan Adams, Chairman  
B. Commissioner Joseph E. Flescher, Vice Chairman  
C. Commissioner Joseph H. Earman  
D. Commissioner Deryl Loar  
E. Commissioner Laura Moss  
A. Emergency Services District  
B. Solid Waste Disposal District  
C. Environmental Control Board  
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 12:34 p.m.