Meeting Name: Board of County Commissioners Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 10/10/2017 9:00 AM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Commission Chambers
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #TypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
17-1043 15.A.Presentation / ProclamationPresentation of Proclamation and Retirement Award Honoring Jeffrey Valentino on His Retirement From Indian River County Board of County Commissioners Department of Emergency Service/Fire Rescue Division with Thirty Years of ServiceNo Action Taken or Required  Action details Video Video
17-1046 15.B.Presentation / ProclamationPresentation by Sergeant Curtis Paulisin, Vice President and Outreach Director, Veterans Council of Indian River County, on Family and Community 3rd Annual Picnic Saturday, October 21st, 2017No Action Taken or Required  Action details Video Video
17-1050 17.A.Informational ReportFairgrounds License Agreement - State of Florida, Department of Children & Families Services - Disaster SNAP ProgramNo Action Taken or Required  Action details Video Video
17-1029 18.A.Consent Staff ReportAppointments to the Economic Opportunities Council of Indian River County, Inc.Approved staff's recommendation  Action details Not available
17-1048 18.B.Consent Staff ReportFiscal Year 2017/2018 Blanket Authorization for Commissioners, County Officers, and Staff for Out of County TravelApproved staff's recommendation  Action details Not available
17-1044 18.C.Consent Staff ReportOut of County Travel to Attend the 2018 Governor’s Hurricane Conference to be held May 13 to 16, 2018 in West Palm BeachApproved staff's recommendation  Action details Not available
17-1049 18.D.Consent Staff ReportAuthorization to Attend FGFOA and GFOA Annual Conferences and FGFOA School of Government FinanceApproved staff's recommendation  Action details Not available
17-1039 18.E.Consent Staff ReportAuthorization to Attend Public Funds Investment SeminarApproved staff's recommendation  Action details Not available
17-0910 18.F.Consent Staff ReportRelease of Retainage - Donadio and Associates Architects, P.A. Amendment No. 3 to Indian River County Public Shooting Range Hunter Education ClassroomApproved staff's recommendation  Action details Not available
17-1033 18.G.Consent Staff ReportDavid Krebs' Request for Release of Easements at 11655 Old Dixie Highway (Sebastian Grove Estates Subdivision)Approved staff's recommendation  Action details Not available
17-1034 18.H.Consent Staff ReportSeafood Atlantic Inc.'s Request for Release of Easements at 11628 High Street (Sebastian Grove Estates Subdivision)Approved staff's recommendation  Action details Not available
17-1037 18.I.Consent Staff ReportUtility Easement Purchase AgreementApproved staff's recommendation  Action details Not available
17-1038 18.J.Consent Staff ReportApproval of Agreements for Continuing Environmental and Biological Support Services for Engineering Projects RFQ# 2017053 Project No. IRC-1720Approved staff's recommendation  Action details Not available
17-1040 18.K.Consent Staff ReportRelease and Satisfaction of Demolition Lien (Lot 1, Albrecht Grove Subdivision)Approved staff's recommendation  Action details Not available
17-1041 18.L.Consent Staff ReportPartial Satisfaction of Demolition Lien (Lot 7, Less the East 70 feet thereof, Block 14, Tropicolony, Inc. Number Four)Approved staff's recommendation  Action details Not available
17-1045 110.B.1.Public DiscussionRequest to Speak from Ardra Rigby and Bill Rigby Regarding Drainage in Wabasso Community   Action details Not available
17-1047 111.A.Administrators MattersMeetings of the Indian River County Board of County Commissioners - Proposed 2018 Meeting DatesApprovedPass Action details Not available
17-0997 112.F.1.Department Staff ReportUpdate on the ongoing Pilot Plant Study for a Full-Scale Managed Aquatic Plant Pollutant Removal System Treating Water from the North Relief CanalNo Action Taken or Required  Action details Video Video