File #: 23-0707    Version: 1
Type: Consent Staff Report Status: Passed
File created: 8/4/2023 In control: Board of County Commissioners
On agenda: 8/29/2023 Final action:
Title: Amendment No. 1 to APTIM Work Order No. 2018006-14, Sector 3 Beach and Dune Restoration Project (IRC1925) Post Construction Environmental Monitoring
Indexes: Coastal Engineering, Public Works Department
Attachments: 1. Staff Report, 2. WO 2018006-14 Amendment No 1, 3. WO 2018006-14 Amendment No 1 Execution
Related files: 18-1328, 17-0260, 17-0439, 22-1108, 18-1686, 17-0143, 17-0284, 20-1454, 20-1537, 20-1555, 20-1978, 20-2178, 21-0203, 22-0146, 23-0147, 17-1188, 17-1293, 18-1465, 18-1466, 18-1501, 18-1647, 18-1950, 18-1990, 18-2562, 19-0180, 19-0736, 20-1654, 20-1737, 20-2177, 21-0244, 21-0514, 21-0741, 21-0743, 21-0898, 21-0899, 22-0025, 22-0161, 22-0344, 22-0345, 22-0632, 23-0149, 23-0562, 23-0762, 23-1020, 23-1024


Amendment No. 1 to APTIM Work Order No. 2018006-14, Sector 3 Beach and Dune Restoration Project (IRC1925) Post Construction Environmental Monitoring

Recommended Action

Staff recommends the BCC authorize Amendment No. 1 to Work Order No. 2018006-14 in the total lump sum amount of $26,799.83. Additionally, staff recommends the BCC authorize the Chairman to execute Amendment No. 1 to Work Order No. 2018006-14