File #: 23-0322    Version: 1
Type: Department Staff Report Status: Agenda Ready
File created: 4/10/2023 In control: Public Works
On agenda: 4/18/2023 Final action: 4/18/2023
Title: Acquisition of Right-Of-Way for Aviation Boulevard and US-1 Improvements from Myron and Davene Madsen
Indexes: Acquisition, Public Works, Public Works Department, Purchase and Sale of Real Estate, Purchase Right of Way, Real Estate
Attachments: 1. Staff Report, 2. Agreement to Purchase and Sell with Exhibits, 3. Assignment of Agreement to Purchase, Sell, and Lease
Related files: 17-0399, 17-1163, 19-0475, 22-0446, 23-0095, 23-0378, 23-1047, 23-0419


Acquisition of Right-Of-Way for Aviation Boulevard and US-1 Improvements from Myron and Davene Madsen

Recommended Action

Staff recommends the Board approve the Agreement to Purchase and Sell Real Estate for the Madsen’s property and approve the Assignment of Agreement to Purchase, Sell, and Lease Real Estate Between CREC Capital And/Or Assigns And Myron Madsen Jr & Davene Madsen and authorize the Chairman to execute the documents on behalf of the Board.  Staff also requests the Board to authorize the Office of Budget and Management to request written checks, if needed for the amounts of $25,000 and $50,000 for escrow payment.