File #: 22-0943    Version: 1
Type: Department Staff Report Status: Agenda Ready
File created: 10/28/2022 In control: General Services
On agenda: 11/8/2022 Final action:
Title: Archie Smith Fish House Pavilion Construction & Demolition of the ArchieĀ  Smith House - Consideration of Proposal Provided by Gordian Work Order 108272.00; EZIQCF Contract No.: FL-R10-GC11-111821-JLC
Indexes: Archie Smith Fish House, Conservation Areas, Conservation Lands
Attachments: 1. Staff Report, 2. Gordian Work Order
Related files: 17-0909, 18-1955, 18-2507, 19-0399, 19-0496, 21-0654, 22-0308


Archie Smith Fish House Pavilion Construction & Demolition of the Archie  Smith House - Consideration of Proposal Provided by Gordian Work Order 108272.00; EZIQCF Contract No.: FL-R10-GC11-111821-JLC

Recommended Action

Staff respectfully requests that the Board provide direction to staff in regard to the work proposed in the Gordian proposal (Work Order 108272.00) which includes design and construction of an overwater pavilion and deck in place of the Ice House, and demolition of the existing Archie Smith house.  Staff also recommends the Board authorize the Purchasing Manager to sign the final work order and scope of work, after approval by the Parks and Recreation Director, and verification of the pricing against the Sourcewell Contract.