File #: 21-0390    Version:
Type: Consent Staff Report Status: Passed
File created: 4/1/2021 In control: Board of County Commissioners
On agenda: 4/13/2021 Final action:
Title: FDEP Grant Agreement 21IR1 (Vero Beach Restoration - Sector 5 Construction and Monitoring)
Indexes: Coastal Engineering, FDEP, Public Works
Attachments: 1. Staff Report, 2. FDEP Grant Agreement 21IR1, 3. Indian River County Grant Form No. 21IR1
Related files: 17-1300, 18-1541, 18-1650, 18-1729, 18-1731, 19-0074, 19-0095, 19-0181, 19-0283, 19-0451, 19-0457, 19-0826, 19-0871, 19-1109, 19-1131, 20-1501, 20-1608, 21-0245, 25-0151, 21-0931, 23-0758, 22-0134, 21-0878, 23-0083


FDEP Grant Agreement 21IR1 (Vero Beach Restoration - Sector 5 Construction and Monitoring)

Recommended Action

Staff recommends the Board approve FDEP Grant Agreement No. 21IR1 for up to $326,329.00 and authorize the Chairman to sign the Agreement on behalf of the County.  Following Board approval, the County will transmit the partially executed Agreement to the State for final signatures.  Upon receipt of the fully executed original FDEP Grant Agreement 21IR1 from the State, staff will transmit to the Clerk to the Board of County Commissioners for filing