File #: 19-0779    Version: 1
Type: Consent Staff Report Status: Passed
File created: 8/21/2019 In control: Board of County Commissioners
On agenda: 9/10/2019 Final action:
Title: Hazard Mitigation Grant Program Funding Award for the Countywide Wildfire Mitigation Plan: Contract Number H0259, Project Number 4283-95-R
Indexes: Conservation Areas, Conservation Lands, Contracts / Agreements, Grant, Grant Application, Grant for Conservation Area, HMGP, Indian River County Grant Contracts, Mitigation, Parks, Parks - Conservation
Attachments: 1. Staff Report, 2. CONTRACT-7-19-190, 3. IRC Grant Form
Related files: 17-0579, 17-0636, 17-0791, 18-1402, 18-2186, 18-2275, 19-0762, 19-1137, 22-0083


Hazard Mitigation Grant Program Funding Award for the Countywide Wildfire Mitigation Plan: Contract Number H0259, Project Number 4283-95-R

Recommended Action

Staff respectfully recommends that the Board of County Commissioners accept Agreement Number H0259 for Project Number 4283-95-R: Federally-Funded Subaward and Grant Agreement for the Indian River County Countywide Wildfire Mitigation, and authorize the Chairman to execute the Grant Agreement, and return the package to Parks & Conservation, Assistant Director.  Staff will transmit the partially executed agreement to the State for final signatures.  Upon receipt of the fully executed original agreement from the State, staff will transmit to the Clerk to the Board of Indian River County Commission for permenant record  Staff further recommends that the Board direct staff to utilize the Native Upland Mitigation Fund as the County’s match.