File #: 17-0291    Version: 2
Type: Consent Staff Report Status: Agenda Ready
File created: 3/14/2017 In control: Board of County Commissioners
On agenda: 3/21/2017 Final action: 3/21/2017
Title: Children’s Services Advisory Committee’s Recommendation RFP #2017044 New Focus Areas for 2017-18 and Sample Agency Contract to be Used.
Indexes: Children's Services Advisory Committee, Children's Services Funding
Attachments: 1. Staff Report, 2. Focus Areas 2017-18, 3. A - CSAC 2017-18 Core Application, 4. B - Budget - CSAC 2017-18Core Application.pdf, 5. C - General Instructions CSAC 2017-18 Core Application - General Instructions, 6. D - Budget Instructions App-2017-18, 7. E - IRC Specific App-2017-18, 8. CONTRACT - SAMPLE - DO NOT EXECUTE
Related files: 17-0268, 17-0016, 19-0288, 19-0052, 18-1961, 19-0262, 21-0188, 23-0816, 19-0564, 21-0333, 18-1454, 17-0640, 18-1612, 20-1411


Children’s Services Advisory Committee’s Recommendation RFP #2017044 New Focus Areas for 2017-18 and Sample Agency Contract to be Used.

Recommended Action

Staff recommends that the Board accept the RFP #2017044 for 2017-18 and Sample Agency Contract as submitted and authorize the Chairman to execute the individual contracts.