Award of Bids for Annual Telecommunication Systems Equipment, Material, Supplies, Maintenance, and Installation (Bid 2021003)
Recommended Action
Staff recommends the Board award the bids as follows: 1) Group 1 to Gerelcom, Inc. and Precision Contracting Services, Inc., 2) Group 2 to Gerelcom, Inc., 3) Group 3 to Gerelcom, Inc. and Precision Contracting Services, Inc., 4) Group 4 to Gerelcom, Inc., 5) Group 5 to Gerelcom, Inc. Staff further recommends the Board approve the sample agreement and authorize the Chairman to execute it after approval by the County Attorney as to form and legal sufficiency. Finally, staff recommends the Board authorize the Purchasing Division to issue Purchase Orders for work as needed under this award and authorized within the sample agreement.