FDOT Utility Work by Highway Contractor Agreement for Utilities Relocation on CR-510/85th Street from CR-512 to 87th Street
Recommended Action
Staff recommends that the Board approve the Utility Work by Highway Contractor Agreement with the Florida Department of Transportation for construction of CR-510/85th Street from CR-512 to 87th Street utilities relocation and the budget of $3,919,997.58 with 3,266.664.58 payable to Florida Department of Transportation and $653,333.00 retained by Indian River County Department of Utility Services for cost escalations and authorize the Chair to execute the same. So long as there are no changes in the dollar amount under the work orders, upon adequate completion of the work set forth in the work orders, staff is directed to make final payments to the Florida Department of Transportation, after review and approval by the Purchasing Manager and the County Attorney’s Office.