File #: 25-0171    Version: 1
Type: Attorneys Matters Status: Agenda Ready
File created: 1/7/2025 In control: Board of County Commissioners
On agenda: 1/14/2025 Final action: 1/14/2025
Title: Construction Board of Adjustment and Appeals Member Appointment
Indexes: Committee Membership (Appoint/Resign/Vacancy), Construction Board of Adjustment & Appeals, County Attorney
Attachments: 1. Staff Report, 2. Duane Millar Application - CBAA, 3. Duane Millar Resume - CBAA


Construction Board of Adjustment and Appeals Member Appointment

Recommended Action

The County Attorney recommends that the Board review the applicant’s application and resume and determine whether to appoint the applicant to fill the unexpired term for the “Mechanical Engineer” position to the Construction Board of Adjustment and Appeals, which will expire January 2027.