Award of RFP 2024035 for West Regional Wastewater Treatment Facility Clarifiers 1 and 2 Capital Maintenance, IRCDUS Project ID 22.23.556
Recommended Action
Staff recommends that the Indian River County Board of County Commissioners approve the final ranking of firms for Request for Proposals 2025006 Clarifier Nos. 1 and 2 Improvements and award to Lawrence Lee Construction Services, Inc. for $2,742,000, approve the sample agreement, and authorize the Chairman to execute it, after review and approval by the County Attorney as to form and legal sufficiency. Staff also request authorization to hold $137,100 in project reserves for unforeseen work/expenses for a total budget of $2,879,100. So long as there are no increases to the budget dollar amount approved, upon adequate completion of the work, staff is directed to make final payment and release any retainage to Lawrence Lee Construction Services, Inc.