File #: 25-0161    Version: 1
Type: Department Staff Report Status: Agenda Ready
File created: 12/31/2024 In control: Planning and Development Services
On agenda: 1/14/2025 Final action: 1/14/2025
Title: Consideration of Treasure Coast Diagnostic Laboratory, Inc.’s Request for a Local Jobs Grant
Indexes: Jobs Grant
Attachments: 1. Staff Report, 2. Jobs Grant Application, 3. Draft Jobs Grant Agmt TC Diagnostic Lab, Inc.


Consideration of Treasure Coast Diagnostic Laboratory, Inc.’s  Request for a Local Jobs Grant

Recommended Action

Staff and the Economic Development Council recommends that the Board of County Commissioners:  1.  Approve a local job grant of up to $27,000.00 for Treasure Coast Diagnostic Laboratory, Inc.  2.  Authorize the Chair to sign the Jobs Grant Agreement for Treasure Coast Diagnostic Laboratory Inc. after approval of the agreement by appropriate county staff and the county attorney’s office (draft agreement included).