File #: 25-0233    Version: 1
Type: Consent Staff Report Status: Passed
File created: 1/27/2025 In control: Utilities Services
On agenda: 2/11/2025 Final action:
Title: Work Order No. 4 to Tetra Tech, Inc. for Hobart Water Treatment Plan Post Filtration Improvements, Alternatives Analysis, IRCDUS Project ID 12.24.504
Indexes: North County RO WTF, Post Filtration Alternative Analysis, Tetra Tech, Work Order
Attachments: 1. Staff Report, 2. Tetra Tech WO 4


Work Order No. 4 to Tetra Tech, Inc. for Hobart Water Treatment Plan Post Filtration Improvements, Alternatives Analysis, IRCDUS Project ID 12.24.504

Recommended Action

Staff recommends that the Indian River County Board of County Commissioners approve Work Order No. 4 to Tetra Tech, Inc. for Hobart Water Treatment Plan Post Filtration Improvements, Alternatives Analysis, for the lump sum amount of $245,585.15 and authorize the Chair to execute the same. So long as there are no changes in the dollar amount under the work order and upon adequate completion of the services set forth in the work order, staff is directed to make final payment and release any retainage to Tetra Tech, Inc.