File #: 25-0148    Version: 1
Type: Consent Staff Report Status: Passed
File created: 12/30/2024 In control: Board of County Commissioners
On agenda: 1/14/2025 Final action:
Title: Amendment No. 5 - FDEP Grant Agreement No. 17IR2 (Wabasso (Indian River Sector 3) Beach Restoration)
Indexes: Beach Renourishment
Attachments: 1. Staff Report, 2. FDEP Grant Agreement 17IR2, 3. FDEP Grant Agreement 17IR2_A1, 4. FDEP Grant Agreement 17IR2_A2, 5. FDEP Grant Agreement 17IR2_A3, 6. FDEP Grant Agreement 17IR2_A4, 7. FDEP Grant Agreement 17IR2_A5
Related files: 24-0086, 22-1108, 18-1466, 18-1950, 21-0514


Amendment No. 5 - FDEP Grant Agreement No. 17IR2 (Wabasso (Indian River Sector 3) Beach Restoration)

Recommended Action

Staff recommends the Board approve FDEP Amendment No. 5 to FDEP LGFR Grant Agreement No. 17IR2 and authorize the County Administrator to sign the Amendment on behalf of the County.  Staff also recommends that the Board further authorize the County Administrator to sign any future Amendments to LGFR 17IR2 that do not alter its’ financial terms on behalf of the County and upon concurrence by the County Attorney.